Settle for a girl now and buckle down. Sell it to the crowd that has gathered round.

Dec 08, 2008 01:10

I'm considering moving to Blogspot. I think it'd be easier for almost everyone involved and I don't think I really have any friends who still frequently use LiveJournal. What do you think?
Today I found my list of New Year's Resolutions for 2008. There were ten. I met four and there were another four that I couldn't quite check off but felt I should acknowledge some progress in. I feel like that's a pretty good year.
Saturday night my car broke down in the parking lot of Sake. Kevin had to come to my rescue and then he, Britt, and I made our way to the Pep Boys who rescued me even further, though they charged a good deal more than Kevin did. It was a fun, if somewhat stressful and expensive, experience. We sat on go-carts and scooters and took pictures and stuff. It's good to have friends like Britt and Kevin who not only rescue you in your moment of distress but then stick around to turn a potential freak-out into really kind of a fun night. And then we went home and I watched Home Alone for the first time. GOOD movie. I understand why people are so fond of it.
Watching movies is about all I've been doing lately, because I have, yet again, been deathly ill. All week, disgustingly so. Still not great. I didn't go to church today for the first time in ages. I have not dressed today. I took a shower, but it was more to steam myself than get clean. I've slept, eaten, and watched movies. Good day, no? Today, I got Chocolat, Edward Scissorhands, and Little Women under my belt, not to mention all the stuff that's been on TV. Little Women always tears at my emotions. Every few minutes, I find myself saying aloud either "This movie SUCKS!" or "I love this movie!" I do love it and it only sucks because it makes me emote.
I'm done with class, obviously. Have been since Thursday afternoon. It's a good feeling. I only have 3 exams: 2 on Thursday and 1 on Friday. I thought I wouldn't be done until Tuesday, and that's what my parents still think. However, I'm not telling them any different because if I went home when I'm actually done, I'd have to sing in my father's Christmas musical and I'm all about getting out of that.
In brilliantly fantastic news, Melody's coming to visit on Tuesday! Also, I bought 2 Monkees records at Schoolhouse Exchange. And I'm writing for fun, even though fiction and playwriting classes are over. A lot about this semester has been not my favorite, but my love for writing has just been renewed all over the place, and I'm happy about that.
I'm going to do a bit more of that writing until I go to bed. Which will be soon, most likely. Sickness makes it difficult to stay awake for too long. I'll let you know what I decide about that "switching to blogspot" thing.
AAAAAAAND Dark Knight comes out on Tuesday. You can imagine a very enthusiastic "WOOT" from me here.
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