Nov 09, 2008 19:41've had my extended break away from LJ, the net, yahoo messenger and such and I feel I am ready to come back. I am still an insecure, wretched human being but you know what, fuck it, that's just me. I can't help it. I know I need to stop worrying so much about what others think and just get on with my life and I will try. If, however, I have the occasional relapse, I trust someone (you know who you are!) will beat me over the head and make me say the mantra :D I owe you. You are the reason I am back. So, thank you :D I just needed some time to mull things over :-)
Over the next few days, I plan to 'unlock' my LJ again, maybe post some old fics and generally get involved again. Thank you so much to all of you who left me messages in the time I was on hiatus. It was much appreciated.
Hugs to you all!