ok- so i NEED this game... i mean this is simply the COOLEST game ever made !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/strategy/vivapinata/news.html?sid=6146002&mode=recent here are excepts from gamespot.com
Your goal is to tend to a small garden made up of a small plot of land, which is outlined by a white line. The first order of business was to do some landscaping on the unsightly area, which has been overrun with clutter.
Your goal is to tend to a small garden made up of a small plot of land, which is outlined by a white line. The first order of business was to do some landscaping on the unsightly area, which has been overrun with clutter...the simple patch of land started to look inviting enough to catch the attention of one of the island's resident wild piñatas. Yes, wild piñatas...
the 62 "breeds" of piñatas that live on the island. The wild piñatas will be simple monocolor critters that will gain color once they decide to take up residence on your plot of land. Once that happens, you'll want to keep an eye on them and make sure they're content. If you're lucky, you'll be able to attract pairs of the same breed, who'll take a shine to each other, as denoted by the universal sign of floating hearts above their heads, and head off into a habitat and...dance. Once their jig, which plays out in an in-game cinematic, is over, a stork will pop by and drop an egg that will contain the fruit of their boogying, a baby piñata.
it feels like someone came up to me and said "HEY MARY!!! DO YOU WANT ME TO MAKE A GAME OUT OF SOME OF THE COOLEST THINGS ONE THE PLANET?!?!?!" and i said "yes"