Jun 28, 2008 23:39
Ok Hi everybody. My name is Tim and this is my blog. Welcome!
So to catch anyone up on me really quickly. I am 26 years old and yes I live at home with my parents. Go ahead and make fun. But I really help out my family, they would not be able to afford to live here if I did not help. Well right now i am not much help.
Ok, on Monday June 9th I woke up in horrible horrible pain. I kept throwing up and could not stop. I looked at myself in the mirror and my stomach was soo bloated I looked preggers, Well I had to be at work at 8. So I left my house at 7 am and began the most horrible trip to work ever. I had to pull over 3 times on my way there to throw up. By this time I had nothing left to throw up and I was just throwing up bile and stomach juices. I got to work before we opened and even before my boss showed up. When he did I was on my hands and knees in the parking lot puking more. He took one look at me and told me to go home. I made it home after another hellish ride. I lay in bed untill my mother returned from her doctors and I asked to be taked to the ER. She thought I was just hung over. She waited 2 hours till my father came home, now it is 4pm. It takes me a half an hour to convince my father that I am not hung over ( I havent drank in two weeks!) FInally they take me to the ER. I sit there for about an hour, Then I am taken to the back room. There I am given some glorious glorius morphine and some other strong drug to calm my stomach. I then have to drink this gross stuff so they can give me a cat scan. OH WAIT! I forgot to say that I had to get a cathader shoved up my PENIS! That hurt even though I was already on morphine. So back to the cat scan. I am kinda scared of this, and rightly so. We get the results back and I have a MASSIVE growth in my lower abdomen. I freak out and then they give me some drugs and I wake up the next day. So now it is tuesday. and they tell me what is going on. Later that after noon I will go into surgery. So I do and I come out. I find out that I had a 5lb tumor that was free floating ( just thought I had a fat little beer belly) and two feet of intestine removed. They said the reason why I was in such pain was because the intestines became wrapped around my tumor and it caused a blockage and it swelled up. SOOOO I was in the hospital for a long time. I finally got out on 18th and have been recovering here at home ever since. It is slow and I a going back to the doc's this monday the 30th. So I will have more news then, but anyway.
Thanks for listening people who live in the inter tubes.