babby's first hannibal fic

May 28, 2013 12:32

Title: To Sleep, Perchance to Dream
Author: Read more... )

dub-con, fic, hannibal, dumb title, r, hannigram

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Comments 4

sleepypercy May 28 2013, 23:17:59 UTC
Oh man, I am love with Will's sleepwalking <3 You have that state between consciousness so well, how everything's a little tinged in a surreal light. From the very beginning, it's amazing, especially the pointed out contrast between Will being all sleep-mussed while Hannibal's immaculately dressed as always.

Ah, poor Will - I imagine his protests are so quiet that it just makes it really easy for Hannibal to ignore them, pretend that he knows best anyway, that Will doesn't know what he wants. Gah, I could probably go on and on (this gives me so many thoughts!) but I'll spare you the babbling. Thanks for posting this!


captainswank May 29 2013, 03:06:36 UTC
Ah, I was actually really conflicted regarding the dream(-like?) state!!! Like... should I make the walls bleed or throw in some dead guys or something?? So I'm glad the more subtle approach seemed to work! XD

Yeah, for some reason I couldn't imagine Will and Hannibal fucking or kissing or anything... just... Hannibal like, molesting Will while Will's all fucked up and vulnerable in his tiny PJs and Hannibal's all put together and unruffled. n_n

Yep, Hannibal knows what Will needs in the short-term, what'll keep him together in the moment... but if, at the end, it'll leave him even more smashed up and broken... well, that'll be pretty interesting to see, won't it?

And Will knows what's bad for him and he just ends up getting swept up along with it...

Omfg and feel free to go on and on, nothing strokes my ego better than my fics encouraging thoughts~ *preenpreen* XD Look, if you don't babble, I'm going to! :'D


sleepypercy May 29 2013, 07:53:50 UTC

Tiny, vulnerable PJs for the win! Now I will be calling them that in my head every time I see him sleepwalk (which I hope is often...)

Lol, I'm not even sure I want to admit this, but I don't think Will and Hannibal would work for me on any level except some kind of fucked-up, probably dubious way. So... sleepy molestation it is!

Ahh, all anyone seems to want to do is smash and break Will (but why do I like that so much!?!), and I have a feeling that all he wants to do is sit at home with his puppies, drinking tea and reading. Well, for a while until he decides to go out and do all that stuff that's bad for him again since he can't seem to stop.


captainswank May 29 2013, 15:03:17 UTC
Yeah I mean their whole thing is fucked up and dubious eh? :'D

Honestly I don't know what happens in the books but I hope Jack and Hannibal break Will completely omfg. That's what I want. XD

Haha, exactly, the puppies can only keep him from his madness for so long.


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