A three-headed-dog. Now I've definitely seen most of what you humans would consider mythical, myself being one such creature.
These few days have definitely been disturbing, to say the least. Odd little messages, a cerberus and people from our worlds cropping up all over. And if I'm right, don't those sorts of dogs guard the Underworld in Greek human legend? It seems a bit mad, too. But that's to be expected of the City.
...today seems a bit odd, too. I'm not entirely sure how, but - eh, memories just popping up now and then. Old ones, too. Clearly I need to keep busy. Well... busier.
[ooc; Real life still eating me whole, but I wouldn't miss a fun curse day like this. ;) Holly's memories are:
Her initiation to Recon: pegging her Commander with three paintballs, his stunned expression followed by him tossing her the Silver Acorns she earned.
Her momentary death, being stabbed through the chest with a sword by a demon at the lip of a very angry volcano.
Being taught how to aim and shoot her father's Neutrino blaster by her grandfather.