Nothing's being wrapped in the paper sense. Timing is weird this year because of the Big Day falling on a Saturday, so yesterday was our last day with everyone in the office, but the usual office luncheon won't be until next week. A couple of people dropped off the obligatory bottles of booze, not having gotten the memo that we're not drinking anything anymore (or that we rarely drank red wine even when we did). They're on top of my office bookcase, joining the bottle I got from somebody a year ago, and there they will remain until suitable regifting can take place. My only gift purchases, beyond the white elephant gift for Axe Night last Friday, were of a couple of the latest candles from Record Archive, in the modern day saint collection-
- and both of those recipients aren't even working with us anymore, but they seemed perfect for them. I'll get a gift card for Jeff The Mailman today as we always do, and if something comes along that looks right for someone, I'll get it.
We don't exchange gifts here, having given up our contracts to the team that encourages that, but yesterday, in the midst of a busy afternoon at work, I got the nicest gift I can imagine from my beloved- seeing a simple post on Facebook:
She's feeling a bit better the past day or so; her acupuncturist tried running electric current through two of the needles, and it really seemed to help. She was able to do more things around the house while I was out. Still, I'm doing virtually all of the shopping, a lot more of the meal prep, and trying to keep up after the fur and other detritis that accumulates here. And then there's the dog, who's been whining the whole time I've been writing this, for snacks and walkies and other attention. It snowed last night just enough to meet the mandatory White Christmas Expectation, only that means we're dreaming of muddy paws until it melts or completely freezes over.
::goes, walks the dog::
Eleven hours later.
Oops. Walked the dog, got to the bank and library and a couple stores, read a little, napped a little,
watched a film with Michelle Yeoh doing badass martial arts. This followed on last night's viewing of Shang Chi, with Michelle Yeoh also doing badass martial arts but also Awkwafina joining in. I'm waiting for her to join the MCU as a millennial superhero known as Slacker.
Zoey looks almost completely better and we're finishing up her two courses of meds. The boys are getting into their usual sorts of trouble-
- going after artificial flowers.
I'd noted a couple of weeks ago that we watched the filmed adaptation of Jonathan Larson's one-man show, which featured work by Stephen Sondheim. Within a week, Sondheim was dead.
Then last week, we watched a film starring Aubrey Plaza and Elizabeth Olsen, which featured work by Joan Didion. And now Joan Didion is dead.
I think maybe I'll take one for the team and watch Home Alone 2.
Hey. It's a Christmas movie, right?
Off to Canada now for some Friday night Doyle.
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