Digest: 26 Mar 2006

Mar 26, 2006 00:16

Digest for 19 March 2006 through 25 March 2006



April Fool's Day Challenge!

Fred and George are always up to a bit of mischief.  Now is your chance to help them celebrate not only April Fool's Day but their birthday!The Rules:
1. All stories must be a minimum of 500 words
2. All stories must include a prank by Fred and George however they do not have to be the focus of the story
3. The Prank must happen within the framework of the story
4. Any rating, any time period
5. Have fun!
The Challenge will close on April 30th 2006.  Voting for your favorite will commence on May 1st!



Our interview with the maintainer of our affiliate The Darkfic Collective, luciademedici, is here.  And please pay a visit to their LJ community, darkones.



And we have another Captain's interview up.  This one is with annie.



A reminder that we now have betas (aka Quidditch Assistants).  Our revised Terms of Service:C. Beta Service
...1. We have several beta readers (aka Quidditch Assistants) on staff.
...2. All authors agree that any publishing of fics is subject to beta.
...3. Beta service is free and is needed to keep the quality of the site at the highest of standards.
If there are any questions, please ask.

New fics:
Bad Moon Rising
+ no stories this week in this category

Hallowed Halls
+ Most Unexpected by sesptwd
+ Sailing the Dark Ship by kjcp {{WIP}}
+ True Moon by Antosha

Remains of the Day
+ no stories this week in this category

Dark Tales
+ In the End by TheGiantSquid {{WIP}}

The Broomshed
+ Dog Fancy by Kitsune_SD
+ In the Middle of the Night by annie
+ La Nuit by TheGiantSquid
+ No One Else by belovedranger {{WIP}}
+ The Proposal by annie
+ The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Dramaphile

New authors/registration:
- ajh
- alexnsa
- allisonred
- alysce
- am12
- authoress
- bfergu1234
- cassiopaya
- cheekybeaver
- Cynic
- dbz_3107
- diane
- Diamanda
- drevil
- felmyst
- hellslibrarian42
- hermioneslave
- hotridge
- huntress88
- indigofan01
- JaxBlake
- Jett
- June_Miller
- Kay Elle Hunter
- kinderreim
- lex has spoken
- lifeofpie
- lionheart73
- los81
- lostknight
- Lyndie578
- madlodger
- Maeve
- magganson
- maykilljoy
- monikakonieczna
- Moonflower Rose
- msmoocow
- Nessa86
- Nico
- orientexpress
- over9the9moon
- parakletos
- PK Fan
- Potions Mistress
- psychochick
- QueenBavmorda
- Randy
- rfgilbert
- ShanzehBlack
- Silk_Pantera
- smoochies1000
- Spellweaver
- sydney
- teknovibe
- thislittleicequeen
- tnnisangel12
- Tonkss133
- Treck
- Wijabeth

2006: 03, author: kjcp, author: sesptwd, author: tqpannie, digest, author: antosha, author: kitsune_sd, author: thegiantsquid, author: belovedranger, author: dramaphile

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