Been there, Done that, Messed Around, I'm having fun don't put me down

Jul 23, 2009 13:40


So I had my singing exam last Saturday, and if you remember rightly I was very nervous because I had a really sore throat and gruff voice. I was very nervous at the actual exam but I went in and did my best, and the examiner seemed lovely so fingers crossed! I have no hope of getting a distinction (I mean normally I would have a little chance but with that throat...) but hopefully I'll pass. The rest of my weekend was just spent trying to get a 100% better so that I could go out and stuff!

And go out I did! On Monday I went clubbing for the first time ever (having only turned 18 the other week you'll remember) and my frienda and I went to Oceana's in Kingston, it was really cool, we spent most of the night in the cheese room, just dancing away! We didn't stay out too late, I got in about 2.15 so it wasn't too bad. It really made me realise how much I love my friends, especially all the people that were there! It was a wicked night, and I know I wouldn't change my friends for anything (obvs). I'd also spent the day with Eddi, mostly at mine....BOOKING CARDIFF! woop woop. So watch out Cardiff from 14-17th August! :D

Yesterday night was my friends 18th birthday party, it was again an awesome night with all my friends. We had it at our local cricket club, and one of my friends' brothers was the DJ, so we had good music all night! Again not another late night, I got in about 1.

Not much planned for the rest of this week so far, might go pubbing later, and am going up town tomorrow with Emma so that should be fun.

OH and I finished my Van Hansis/Jake Silbermann RPS! Which is awesome but it does mean that I should probably publish it sometime soon.... :s

Loves loves! :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

pubbing, life: clubbing, going out, life

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