I fought to the limit to stand on the edge, what if today is as good as it gets?

Jul 17, 2009 14:12

Life update.

I think we got to the 5th last time didn't we?

Monday 6th- calliglad came over and we went for a little shopping trip to Tesco's to get food for my little party later. At about 6 ish a few friends came over and we just chilled and then watched Day One when it came on (see my reviews for more info on my thoughts about Torchwood.)

On the 7th a couple of my friends had stayed over fromthe night before and we went oput and bought another friends birthday present, and they went home about 3 ish so I did sime tidying up and cleaning before my parents came back from holiday later that evening. Quite a relaxing day for me compared to the past week or so. I watched Day Two on my lonesome, which was actually alright, as it created a really nice atmosphere with all the lights off etc.

On the 8th I helped my parents un pack and just generally helped with all the little housework bits that seem to mysteriously pop up when one comes back from holiday! But mainly a lovely relaxing day, looking forward to my birthday! Watched Day Three with my parents who are also complete fans, and I'm sure if my mother knew how to work a computer she'd be on livejournal.... *shivers*

BIRTHDAY DAY! I had a singing lesson first thing in the morning and then opened some presents- just a few little bits from the 'rents....and then a LAPTOP! My lovely shiny laptop which I have since christened Kieron. I went up town with my parents and my brother and we ate in The Rainforest Cafe, which despite living in/near London my whole life I have never been to. (I find a lot of people who live in big touristy places don't always do the big touristy things, am I right? I think John mentione dthat in his autobiography...) We also went to a couple of pubs and bars before making our way home in the evening to settle down with our KFC (My favourite take away) and to watch Day Four of Torchwood. What a shock I got there. (For my reaction see the post dated 9th July 2009.)

The 10th was my piss up night. Went to Spoons with some mates and then on to a little lounge club called Native Tongue, and it was a good night. I didn't get drunk (hey, I've been sober since September TYVM.) but I had a good night out, not that I'm implying you need to get drunk to have a good time. Although I did find out that I really do love blackurrent sourz. (who knew?)

The 11th was a very strange and weird day. Good and bad. I was still distraught after the Torchwood Day Four and Five events, and my best friend got taken into hospital. On the up side my parents threw my a surprise party, which was awesome, because most of my family were there, and some of my closest friends. My mum did everything really sophisticated she had a black and white theme and my cake was....wow. It was just me on a cake really. (not literally of course...)My brother was plying me alcohol as usual, and I still managed not to get too drunk. My liver is one tough lady y'know.

On Sunday I woke up feeling ROUGH. And it was no hangover. I had a runny nose, my throat felt like it had been scratched by a hundred bears and i was so tired. I spent the day in bed, mourning Ianto and feeling sorry for myself.

Monday and Tuesday were much the same, I sounded like a fourty a day smoker. By this point I was getting worried because I have my singing exam on Saturday! My nan came over on Tuesday to give me some tea and sympathy, bless her, and my cousin was released form hospital, which is always good news, no? Bloody hospitals. But still, no singing voice in sight!

Wednesday was th day I'd been waiting for- The release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! I have always been and still am part of the 'I LOVE RONALD WEASLEY AND I'M NOT ASHAMED TO ADMIT IT' club. I think Hermione should join don't you? No, in all honesty I think Rupert Grint is a great actor and even Daniel Radcliffe (who looks, sounds and acts nothing like the Harry in my head) was pure brilliance in this film, especially the bit where he uses his Felix Felicis! LOLS all around at that point! Even though I felt incredibly ill I had to go and see it and it did make me feel slightly better.

Thursday was another 'woe is me' day, but I think I deserve it seeing as I am now (because of my cold/flu/sore throat thing) so underprepared for my singing exam! I hate being underprepared for things! GAH.

And today is spent looking for costumes, getting Doctors notes and trying to find my voice again with no luck. Ok so I haven't tried....but I'm scared that I'll break on middle c or something :S

ANYWAYS other than moaning about myself....how is everyone?

How are my Torchwood friends coping?

LOVE YOU ALL xxxxxxxxxxxxx

PS Update on fandoms other than Torchwood coming relatively soon....

random, torchwood, update, life, rant

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