I only just remembered that I should have put my last post under a cut in case any of you hadn't seen it yet I'M SO SORRY IF YOU GOT SPOILED!!!! I will put it under a cut today! :)
Well The Hub is gone and I for one am a little upset. So many years of history, and all that tech and all those bodies...does that mean Tosh and Owen are gone now? And what about Myfannwy and Janet? However I loved the aftermath of the explosion which created the begining of episode two. The visual affect of it was just immense.
I loved the team going off and doing their own things again- although Jack was pretty nondescript in the episode I guess! Adored Ianto's builders get-up (Yeah you save your man in your JCB bitch!) and Rhys in a suit! I'm thoroughly pleased that there was more Rhys too, he is such a great character in my opinion and it's also nice to see he's been billed in the begining credits along with John, Eve and Gareth. He and Gwen are so kick-ass it's amaazing. I mean, Gwen with those ambulance men- "WHO DO YOU WORK FOR???!!!" I think I'm in love with her a little bit.
And PC Andy was back too this episode, with a nice bit of comic relief with his anti and uncle terrorist joke. I hope he gets even more to do, Tom Price is a fab actor and really makes Andy such a big character and one that all Woodies love.
Am really loving Jack's daughter and Ianto's sister still, I thought his brother-in-law was a bit of a dick in Episode 1 but in Epsiode 2 he was so sweet with his 'We're the only family he's got', although Ianto has some explaining to do when this is all over 'cos he owes them that.
The last scene with the Team Torchwood reunion was great and I'm sure John enjoyed filming that scene very much!
Sorry the review is so short and rubbish today but they're just my general thoughts!