Release me, Release my body, I know it's wrong, but why do I keep coming back?

Jun 08, 2009 18:40

Ah, yes, it's that time of the week again folks- My weekly round up of Fandom! (This really should have been posted yesterday, I'm sorry). Also I'm COMPLETE FAIL because I missed Brothers and Sisters this week (DOH!). All under cuts in case of spoilers! Enjoy! :) P.S There's a trat for all McDean fans if you look in OTHER NEWS. ;D
Well, there's two episodes to talk about here! 
First of all the semi-final interviews episode. Point 1- Debra's references were terrible, WHY would you give SIR/LORD ALAN SUGAR (!) references of people saying that you're shit, Point 2- James is God, and Point 3- Yasmina's reaction to that guy having her expense reports (or whatever they were) was hilarious.
Can I admit that I shed a little tear when James was fired, without being shotdown? :'( I just love him. I'm IN love with him a little bit. I half simultaneously laughed and sobbed when he said on leaving; "It's been great" like a lover leaving his partner or something, instead of the usual- 'Thanks for the oppurtunity'. This series just wouldn't have been the same without JAMES MCQUILLAN! (woop woop).
THANK GOD SIR AL FIRED LORRAINE AND DEBRA AFTER THAT BECAUSE, A) I needed cheering up and B) IMHO both of them needed to go weeks ago.
Now, we come to the finale, of course we all know Yasmina won and I'm pretty happy for the first time in 5 years of this show! Although Kate was an excellent candidate, very professional and good with people and words IMO. I also preferred her whole chocolate campaign (although I loved Yasmina's Black and pink theme and cheesey ad).
In other Apprentice news- I CAN'T ADAM AND EVE IT! MARGARET IS LEAVING! I'm going to miss her infamous expressions, and sayings and just, oh, we'll miss you Marge!

One word for this episode? CHRIS!!!! OMG. It was so sad! He only did it all because he loved Shaz, but now she's left him, and Gene looked SO hurt and I nearly died. I was so expecting it to be Ray, but now I ADORE HIM, because of the look of hurt on his face when he realised that Chris, his BFFL, was the one who had betrayed them! 
Alex and Gene still well love each other but don't know it yet! I heard he gets a love interest in the next epi- UM NO! lol. Either she has him, I have him, OR NO ONE HAS HIM.
The whole that stalker guy killed his earlier self thing confuzzles me- if he were in DW or TWD he would have 'ripped a hole in the fabric of reality' and the earth would 'change itself to fit in with the new alternate timeline'. I hope they resolve that in the last epi! 
We all know she's not going to go back today, only because they've commisioned a series 3- unless she goes to 2008 and then back to 1982? Anyways, I hope they can all forgive Chris, and I hope that Alex and Gene get it together, as well as it being and interesting and funny episode. COME ON BOLSY!

*Sigh* Every year I say I won't watch it, but I do. (Apart from that God awful year of BB6.) 
I'm in love with Rodrigo. He's actually my perfect guy- good looking, happy, cool fashion sense (sorta), nice, kind, generous AND AN AMAZING ACCENT. I loved how he drew the glasses and moustahce on his face too, bless him. Also because he's bisexual- but on the feminine/camp/gay side of the fence- he's great for me, I always love gay men but of course can never date them!
I also love Charlie, his accent is great and I love how he's already a big character, Sophia is too adorable and has an insane laugh, Noirin seems nice and sweet, and I also quite like Lisa and Kris although they do both seem abit up themselves.
I really wanted Siavash to go on Sunday, because he SO annoys me, but alas it was Benizir (sp?) who I think had so much more potential than what she showed. Her poor eviction! On that bus! I had to LOL a bit!

I'll miss Hayley! I thought she was a good model and seemed really nice, and I can't believe that it was her and Daisy in the bottom two!! Granted their pictures weren't the best this week, but even the judges admitted there were some other bad pictures, and Daisy and Hayley have had great pictures in the past!
 SOPHIE STILL ANNOYS THE HELL OUT OF ME. She thinks she's everything, but she's not, her pictures aren't the best, and she kisses everyone's bum, and then is two-faced and stabs them behind their back! Just not a nice person at all or really fake for the cameras.

It was the finale this week, and I was so excited because the preview looked AMAZING. I was a bit disappointed with the whole Dave/Mike/Susan/MJ thing- I mean I'm glad he's locked up, and that Mike, Susan and MJ are safe, but from the previews I thought it was going to be full of suspense and that I'd be on the edge of my seat, but I really wasn't. I mean it was a bit *scary* but a tad predictable. I did love how Mike raced to their rescue though, and I hope it was Susan he was marrying at the end, BECAUSE EVERYONE KNOWS THEY'RE DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER (However much I feel sorry for Katherine and will miss Gale Harold). I think half the problem was that the Susan/Dave/Mike/MJ scenes kept being interuppted by the other girls' stories which were good, but maybe they could have done more of all that in previous episodes and had more Dave/Susan/Mike/MJ this week?
OMG Lynette being preggers- WITH TWINS *gasp* *shock* etc.
Gabby and Carlos' niece seems weird-as I predicted, but I still think there's more to her than fancying older rich men and being a slut.
And why am I loving Karl/Bree? :O I kinda loved her and Orson in the past but he's gone weird and stuff!
But overall a brilliant series and I will miss it until Seaosn 6!

As I'm sure most of you know by now Mr James Sutton (AKA John Paul McQueen) is going to be appearing in Emmerdale as of June 15th. Now I'll be watching, mainly because I love him so much. I've just started watching with my mother, as she watches it anyways, and some of it is rubbish, but the story he'll be involved in is actually quite good (Not as good as McDean of course, but then again, what is??). So for all you JP fans out there who need convincing to watch-

Yes, that's James in his first scene as Ryan Lamb- TOPLESS. yay. Of his first day filming, and being topless he said- "I was a bit shy, but I'd done far worse on Hollyoaks". You can say that again gorgeous. (Picture from Emmerdale Website and quote from More! magazine.)

Well that's it for today, but hopefully an update on life...and stuff in a couple of days time! Have a nice week! :D

shows: desperate housewives, shows: britain's next top model, shows: the apprentice, lj: fandom, shows: big brother, shows: emmerdale, actors: james sutton, shows: ashes to ashes

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