Now if she touches like this, will you touch her like that?

Apr 12, 2009 18:25


Hope you're all having a good day, eating lots of choccie and getting fat! I made Easter cakes! They're chocolate cupcakes with butter icing and mini eggs on the top! (And very yummy I might add)

For the important news.... SPOILERS AND SPECULATION AHEAD.

The one parters and special episodes of Doctor Who, like The christmas special etc, generally, for me, bomb. (Apart from the first Xmas epi, David's premiere which I thought was funny and clever.) I think this is because they don't really have any character investment, i.e there is no Rose/Donna etc to love. HOWEVER, I really enjoyed 'The Planet of the Dead'. I thought it was really good, a quintessential Tennant episode IMHO.

Michelle Ryan wasn't as bad as I thought she was going to be, but sometimes I didn't quite believe that she was actually posh but, she was good apart from that, and hey, she's pretty so meh.
LEE EVANS IS MADE OF WIN WIN WIN. His cute little glasses, and Welsh accent, it's....(still) love. The character of Malcolm was also written very well, I think, he was very funny.
POSH KENNETH (Barkley?) WAS THAR! Yeah!  And he's gonna be in UNIT with the other one (Nathan?) I slash them already. Even though he has this Tina person. But shush. She sounds like a slut anyways. LOLZ.
The psychic woman, Carmen, was cool, "He will knock four times" I think (hope) it's The Master? It would be lame if it was a new character or one that wasn't around in Tennant's reign.  Still, she predicted a lot of awesome things. And she and Lou are having chops and gravy for tea. So she must be a cool bean right?

I was sad that those fly, Tritovore (sp?) things died but I knew it was going to happen, just because they were a plot device, and could NEVER intergrate into human society.

One of my favourite lines was "But you look human" "You look Time Lord." I was like, "OMGZ. THAT IS SO TRU." I watched it with three of my friends and it was awesome as we all added little comments all the way through and was munchin on Haribos, Minty things, GIANT buttons and Doritios and Dip. YUMZ.

So yes, Well done Aunty Beeb/RTD/ David Tennant :) I liked it. Hey, even renownd (sp??) self-confessed fan brat (LOL) Eddi AKA calliglad enjoyed it.

LOL. Random, but I heard that DT cried (bless! Can I give him a hig? and a kiss? and sexii tiems?) when he read his regneration script. I now have a mental image of DT in his PJ's (a hoody and some baggy trousers or shorts I reckon), only cos I read things in bed, with a mug of steaming cocoa, and his little specs, reading the script and  promptly bursting into tears. I dunno why. I'm a strange child. Mo
I'm gonna be getting a laptop, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. Any reccomendations? I was looking at the Apple Macs and I KNOW they're amazing and everything, and I've wanted one for, like, EVAH, but you get like 2 gigs of RAM for the same price as 4 gigs of RAM on a PC, in fact the PC's are much cheaper. I like the Sony vaio range, Looking at a 4 gig, possibly purple one with awesome processer speed too :) So yeah if you know anything about laptops and stuff, or have one that you think is really good, please leave me a comment! I'm basically going to be using it for Uni essays and things but also for my LJ of course, blogging, watching and making videos and uploading and sharing and viewing pics.

I think that's it. *thinks*. Yeah my brain hurts now. I should probably go eat more choccie and read some slash right? :))

Loves! xx

shows: doctor who, life: easter, life: computers, doctor who: planet of the dead, laptops, other: chocolate

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