And the moonbeams kiss the sea: What are all these kissings worth, if thou kiss not me?

Apr 05, 2009 13:57

Stolen this from Emma, AKA almoststar. Thanks hun!

TEN things you wish you could say to TEN people right now.
1. I'm hoping you finally ask tomorrow.
2. Thank you for putting up with me for over 16 years.
3. I know how you feel, and others do too, so don't hide.
4. I miss you.
5. Everyday I think of you and I'm sad I never got to know you.
6. You are my heroes, idols and inspiration, I do everything I do to make you proud.
7. No matter what happened and what other people say I'm still your friend and that will never change.
8. I wish I were you.
9. I think I'm going to marry you one day.
10. I don't think you realise how much I love you.

NINE things about yourself.
1. Shoes/Musicals/Fandom/Family and friends= My life
2. I'm an English, Drama and Psychology student.
3. My favourite authors are JK Rowling, Jodi Piccoult, Oscar Wilde and Bill Shakespeare.
4. I could talk for England, but hopefully quite eloquently.
5. At the moment I'm watching Shipwrecked, Lewis, Horne and Corden, Desperate Housewives, The Apprentice, ATWT, VL and Brothers and Sisters. I'm waiting for DW and TWD.
6. I like to think I'm a caring, kind, compassioante, albeit annoying person.
7. Topshop= Clothes heaven.
8. I'm a closet introvert.
9. I support gay rights and want to do something to support LGBT charities. This is for many reasons.

EIGHT things you look for in a boyfriend or girlfriend
1. Cliche, I know, but GSOH, or a similar SOH to me.
2. Nice smile/Laugh
3. Positivity
4. Someone who will put up with my bad habits and adore my good ones
5. Someone who tells me how they feel about me
6. Someone who takes time for me
7. Creativity or intelligence of some kind
8. Similar interests to me

SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot.
1. University
2. School Work
3. Friends
4. The theatre
5. him
6. Some kind of song or rhythm
7. TV/Books

SIX things you do before you fall asleep.
1. Reading
2. Tell my mother I love her
3. Set my alarm
4. Brush my teeth
5. Think about what I'm doing tomorrow
6. Turn off all my switches/Shut the blinds

FIVE people who mean a lot at the moment.
1. Emma
2. My mum
3. My bro
4. Fiona
5. Him

FOUR things you really enjoy doing.
1. Being on stage
2. Veging out and having a gossip with my friends and /or family
3. Swimming in the sea on a hot day in a foreign country
4. Going to theme parks/ Going on fast rides

THREE things you absolutely hate:
1. Drama coursework
2. Rude, Discriminative, Narrow-minded, BORING people
3. (Annyoing) Adverts on TV and the radio

TWO places you want to visit.
1. USA- Hawaii, NY and California
2. Australia

ONE thing you are afraid of.
1. Not acheiving my dreams and not making people proud. (Is that two?)

Feel free to steal if you fancy doing!

listy thing, me, life

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