Personal Meme!

Feb 04, 2009 19:58

Tagged by almoststar I tag MY WHOLE F LIST! :D Love ya!

Age: 17
Birth date: 9th July; Summer baby :)
Astrological sign: The crabby crab of cancer
Siblings: 1 brother
Pets: 1 cat heisst Fiyero
Nicknames: Tashie, Tashtash, Bash
School: Rosebery (win)

Colour: Blacky or whitey
Food: Chocolate, Chicken, Cheese, Cucumber...some other C's
Beverage: Tea! 
Class: Theatre Studies
Number: 5
Flower: Sunflowers!
Book: Harry Potters? LOL! Or My Best Friend's Girl by Dorothy Koomson and My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Piccoult.
Movie: Musicals! Chciago, Rent.... Or BACK TO THE FUTURE! LMAO
Actor/Actress: David Tennant, John Barrowman, KERRY ELLIS!
TV show: Friends, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Merlin, ATWT, know the deal!
Fast Food Restaurant: Subway!
Store: Topshop
Board Game: Cleudo
CD: The Fratellis first album is the best £10 I ever spent.
Musical Instrument(s): Guitars. Cant play though.
Cologne/Perfume: Ralph by Ralph Lauren or Romance by Ralph Lauren.
Word: Plum/Fricative/Caribou

Colour: I like all colours!
Food: Any seafood. BLEURGH.
Beverage: Coffee, I really want to like it. But I just can't.
Class: I like all 3 of my classess. Well, I also hate all of them.
Movie: Dunno. I'll watch anything me.
Restaurant: Dunno.
Word/Phrase: Dont really know again! I don't really hate much :D
Day: MONDAYS. Fo sho.

Been In Love: I love me. :)
Used Tobacco (smoke or chew): mebbe.
Drank Alcohol: Only on days that end in a y.
Smoked weed: nope.
Done Drugs: nope.
Broken the Law: Not that I know of
Thought you were going to die: yes, once in yr7 someone in my form said zombies were coming to get us, we all believed them.
Run away from home: nope.
Broken a bone: yep. Arm, Back of my skull and fractured my nose.
Lied: No. See that was a lie.
Skinny Dipped: nope.
Had a Medical Emergency: Well Yeah I said I broke a bone didnt I? I count that as an emergency!!!

Love at first sight: No, lust at firt sight, yes.
Luck: Yeah as in chance, and I do have a bit of OCD, and superstitions, like for drama purposes (Not saying Macbeth in the theatre etc)
God: no.
Aliens: Yes, it's really selfish and egotistical of us to think that we are the only life in this whole universe. Not syaing there's green martians walking around plotting to kill us though...
Ghosts: No. I believe that a person who has passed leaves a spirit or an echo of themselves.
Horoscopes: Used to.
Heaven: No, when you're dead, you're dead IMO.
Hell: See above.
Yourself: I try to.
Angels: Nein.

Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi.
Oranges or apples: Apples!
One pillow or two: Two, always.
Pools or hot tubs: Pool
Windows or AC: I dunno, I'd love to have an Apple...
TV or radio: TV OFC!
Paper or plastic: LOL random

Cried: When I went to see 'Milk' at the cinema.
Went to a movie: Milk, lol a few weeks ago?
Talked on the phone: This morning
Read a book: I'm always reading a book, sometimes more than one, but I actually last read before I went to bed yday.
Your most prized and important possession: My fammo. Even tho they're not my possessions. SO cat.
Your biggest accomplishment: Haven't really done much to be proud of...Yet.
Your biggest fear: Failure, not doing something with my life, not acheiving my dreams
Your greatest talent: Talking!

Abortion: I'm pro choice, dont think bad of me though.
Pre-Marital Sex: It's great for people if they want to stay 'pure' til marriage but I have no problems with it.
Death Penalty: No. I don't believe in an eye for an eye.

Makes You Laugh the Most: My friendies!
Is the Most Psychotic Person You Know: LOL!
Is the Nicest Person You Know: Emily. I can't say a bad word about her.
Do you go to for advice: Depends on the situation. Normally my ma or Emma. Sometimes Milly.
Do you hate: No one I've met.
Knows the most about you: Emma! She knows more about me than I do.
Has it easier, guys or girls: guys! No periods, No childbirth, Don't have to wear make up etc...
Sends you the most emails: LJ!

What makes you ...?
Happy: LJ! My fandoms, Lee Evans, My friends being happy, My cat
Really Sad: Failure.
Really Angry: People who dicriminate against others because they're different.

School: Lots of stress but can be fun
Your friends: I love them. And I love my F list. :D
Being female: Meh, havent tried being male so I wouldnt know.
Life: I want to make the most of it, take every oppurtunity and always do my best. God, I sound liek a girl guide.
What is something about you that nobody knows: I'm secretly in love with David Tennant....hang, on EVERYONE knows that!

A Rebel Or Do You Follow All The Rules: Depends.
A Leader Or A Follower: Generally a leader, but not too bossy hopefully!
A Good Friend: It's been said....I cant really judge.
A Good Listener: Hopefully, I mean, I try, even though I talk A LOT.
Shy Or Outgoing: Deffo outgoing. I get on with most people.

Where Do You See Yourself In Ten Years: In a job that I like with a hosue and car of my own, feeling happy, contented and that i'm havingfun and doing my best.
Do You Like To Dream Ahead Or Go With The Flow: I have goals, sure, and I'm a planner but I do like to be spontaneous sometimes!

personal meme

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