Today is a day of rest...

Jan 22, 2009 15:54

...for many, many reasons.

As most of you probably remember it's the anniversary of the brilliant Heath Ledger's death. I remember when I heard the news...I was sitting at my computer (suprise suprise) listening to Capital Radio when they sudden;ly had a little insert about Heath being found dead, before going to ads. At first I didn't believe it! I thought I must have heard wrong, or that it was someone else, or maybe even they got their facts wrong. So I went on the internet and had a look aorund and it was all over news sites. When I finally realised he had died I started to cry and went downstairs to tell my mum, who was also upset. The next morning at school all my friends came in as sad as I was, and we put a picture of Heath on a whiteboard. When we came back to the picture the next day loads of people had left RIP messages and memories of Mr Ledger. (The sad thing is we think it was wiped off by staff a few months later and we never got to take a picture of the memorial). I can't believe it's been a whole year since Heath died, and I know I didn't know him, but I could tell he was a deccent guy and a talented actor who died too young. So today is Heath's day of rest. RIP my friend.  I'm sure his films will live on forever, especially his extraordinary performances in 'Brokeback Mountain' and 'The Dark Knight'.

It's also a day of rest for me; MY EXAMS ARE FINISHED! YAY! Still have loads of coursework to do though. GRR. No rest for the wicked, is there?

Oh, and sorry I haven't kept up with Daily pictures, Like I said I've been busy with revision etc. Hopefully on Saturday I'll post the ones I have taken and start keeping up with it again. OH! And on St eve i'm going to see MILK with my cousin. I'm very excited; I adore James Franco and the reviews are very good.

Bye my lovelies!


films: milk, school: exams, meme: daily pictures, actors: heath ledger, rest

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