Nov 27, 2007 21:03
Hey happy people.
I've got mono. When one has mono, one feels exhausted at all times and the only thing the doctor says one can do about it is Drink Lots of Liquids and Sleep. One gets pissed off.
As a result of this unexpected (who am I kidding?) visit from your friend and mine, Mr. Epstein-Barr, I've been sleeping as much of the day at possible at my parents', then catching a ride to school with my mommy when she goes to work at RTP. Once at school, I struggle to sit up and think straight in a class, then stagger back to my dorm room and collapse on the floor, generally falling asleep, waking up to a cell phone alarm, and going to my next class with a carpet pattern engraved on my already smushy, swole up face.
What I'm trying to say is, don't kiss boys. What do you get when you kiss a boy? You get enough germs to catch pneumonia [or mono], and when you do, he'll never phone you OOOHH! I'll never kiss a boy again.
My mum used to sing that in the car. I dunno about pneumonia boys, but my mono boy still calls me. How I feel about that is another question entirely.
In other news, today I saw a bus going down Raliegh St. with the following route and destination:
I think it's hella funny. Would that be like a bris?