Nov 17, 2009 00:02
Today's Tweets:
- 08:26 it's dark, and it's raining. and i'm up early for a 9am lecture on a monday. this sucks# #
- 09:00 WHY DOES MY HOUSE KEEP EATING MY FUCKING LECTURE NOTES? I am so not suited to this academia lark #
- 12:17 honestly, today just keeps getting better and better. can i go back to bed. please? #
- 12:37 @ Splend No i've not seen it. The consolation i offer is that i've not see the nicolas cage version either :P #
- 13:29 Really need to start work on my lab write up but i've run out of steam for today. will treat myself with GTA4 episodes from liberty city #
- 14:21 @ Splend @denofgeek I happen to LIKE celine dion thank you very much :P though i will admit that song was WAAAAY overplayed #
- 14:46 @ Spindilly come round here and distract us for a bit :p #
- 15:01 @ Spindilly essay in Sam's case, lab report in mine. Boredom and sanity in both :p #
- 15:05 @ Spindilly food is good. i should not obsess over food. for all i didn't want to i have found myself on a calorie controlled diet :( #
- 15:06 @ Spindilly because i need to lose weight and nothing else is going to do it. #
- 17:59 Almost forgot to go to a training session i'd booked. Jebus that would have been bad. Need a coffee now #
- 19:44 at anime watching the thingummy of arislan. it's a bit weird. might do some story tweets in a bit #
- 19:45 @ Splend philosophy essay SO SHOULD include robots :P #
- 20:02 If werewolves were like they were in Hollywood i wouldn't be in this situation; bleeding to death under a full moon. Silver. Doesn't. Work.. #
- 20:24 once upon a time lived a prince and a princess who were betrothed, but they hated each other and died childless; their land fell to ruin #
The Captain
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