(as kids) (to a girl) main character B: "give us a kiss, will ya?" *gets smacked in the face by a door*
main character A: "that's what ya get fer foolin' with women."
"Listen, A. I was in a place today, and, I heard somebody say somethin'."
"And what of it?"
"Well, they were sayin'... It seems as though they were pointing a finger at you and B."
*looks over, worried* "Who was?! What rat would say anything about me, I -- "
"Now, take it easy."
"Yer always hearin' things! You'll get too much in yer nose one day and you'll wonder how ya got it!"
"Oh fer cryin' out loud! I heard a couple'a guys talkin' about you!"
"I guess A ain't the marrying kind."
choice events include main character A dating a woman who doesn't put out and looks kind of creepy/mannish, main character B being accused of "you'd take any woman, even if she were in her 70's" and just smiling in reply, A making a "aw, c'mon, you can kiss yer new wife later despite it being (possibly) your wedding night" and B just going "well okay" and immediately leaving to go with him... A doing what is essentially a suicide mission to get revenge after something dire happens to B...