Lo drank her first Rockstar. So proud.

Sep 28, 2005 00:55

I hung out with Lo today.
It was so much fun.
We're so sisters, so much in common.
And we laughed sooooooooooo much.

We went to the mall, and while we were waiting at the verison booth, this guy kept walking by (over and over and over, on his cell) and checking out Lo, so I told her to bend over when he walked by again... Anyway, while we were at the Verizon booth, I acted like I was on the phone, to no one, and said that the guy checking out Lo was doing the same thing, just trying to be cool. So Lo fucking runs over to him and is like: Are you really on the phone, because we don't think you are. HAHAHA! He was.

Then in the car... Oh God. We're leaving my neighborhood. Well, if you guys have been to my house, you know that across the street from my neighborhood, is another neighborhood, and seperating the two is Austin Parkway, the rather busy road. Well, Lo was taking a CD out of her cd player, and not paying attention to the road, and drove past the stop sign in my neighborhood, across Austin Parkway, and into the next neighborhood when she stopped, and we looked around trying to figure out where we were, and realized.
We almost pissed our pants laughing, and because we were scared shitless.

And then we went to the Museum of Southern History. Haha, lame.
But all in all good stuff, good stuff.

We called Joe to see if he wanted to hang out, but he said no. Bummer.
Joe seems like hes in a slump, but hes pulling a Joe and trying to act out that he's okay, anyway Joe... Goodluck!

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