May 02, 2005 12:48

AOL is quite possibly the worst isp ever, it will not let me get online, i had to set up another way of getting online because they are fuickign retarded.


Man who came to dinner is over, sad and glad about it. just like rocky, but not as much.

Charlotte's web roxors! i am kicking ass and taking names as wilbur, yes i lag sometimes but i finished a performancec in 47 minutes, and i am off book!

I got into Apple Tree at Fair Oaks Theatre Festival, as ensamble. Its my first show there so it makes me happy. That and its another show wit liesel, ryan nicolls, analisa, rashad, becca, and kyle.

My biggest news is that i got the role of Genie in Aladdin. It is going to fucking rock.

I am moving out of my grandmothers place, to a place with cheaper rent, alsohigh speed internet included.

I finally got the balls to start looking for a new job.

And i have found out that i am really fucking good at poker. final count i was 68.65 dollars up from the start of the run.

thats about it peace out.
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