Oct 12, 2005 23:24
the box is grey, the color of old ash. it's cube-shaped, nothing too eye-catching. as a matter of fact, it is possible to look for it for ages without finding it, unless you know what to look for. although the box is quite anonymous looking, there's something odd about it. although the sides are solid, some unknown material, one can't help but get the feeling that it houses something hidden, dark, and deeply disturbing. it's aura is dark, the aura of a serial killer with something against his mother. could be nice and social on the outside, but housing something sick and demented on the inside. the box is never dusty. it always appears clean and immaculate. it never collects fingerprints, though thousands have touched it. the last "owner" of the box drove himself mad trying to open it. after all of his fingernails had been torn off, his teeth cracked or missing, his hands bruised from beating, his tools useless after being driven too hard, he just gave up. he sat down and looked straight at it, not saying a word. he died of dehydration 3 days later. another owner, a scientist, gave up studying the sciences when his tests told him the box was older than the earth itself. he joined a temple in tibet, dropping everything and abandoning his family in the middle of the night. his tests were correct. whenever someone with a weak spirit or head comes close to it, his brain is twisted and mutilated. he sees demons, the demons in everyone, and goes mad. he wants to kill children, animals, anything with a breath that comes near him. or they become severely ill, finding they must rest in a hospital for a few days before they can walk around again. but still it leaves a tiny hole in the brain, a darkness that wasn't there before. its symptoms: a short temper, bags under the eyes, lack or overabundance of sleep, violent mood swings, violent actions, and a quick interest in torture or pain of others. there is no known cure. one man was found yelling at it, yelling in a long-forgotten tongue of ages ago. his hands were missing. a language once used to tell tales and free spirits now curses a cube-shaped peice of evil. some think that it's satan's doing, some physical manifestation of himself to cause pain and suffering. others believe it is pandora's box. some believe it is an eternal prison for evil souls. a better answer is all of the above. in church, they never told you exactly where heaven and hell were, and nobody's been back to enlighten us. like we need the enlightenment anyways.