Forever's (not) so long.

Sep 29, 2007 22:45

Violin speaks volumes from where I burned the refrigerator with my lazy cigarette. This is the last of a year full of nights on a balcony which has been so lonely, so harshly lonely, but also so friendly, so full of friends and every chair a gracious host. So many cigarettes--how many times did we empty out that rusted-up coffee can?--so many beers--how many bags of Black Label cans and Tall Boys?--and so many conversations I'll always remember even though there are some I want to forget yes forget--and I will. I will forget. Not on purpose but it is an inevitable eventuality.

I miss with such fervor, I miss Jenny, I miss Lauren, I miss Bobby. I miss them so much it hurts, but--

this is the way of things, the way of stuff, the way of breathing-living-learning.

It's just. I miss them.
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