Mack has beer, not coffee, despite what the icon may imply. He actually has a six pack that he intends to take back to Dhonal with him (whether or not this will turn out the way he's planned is another story, mind you). However; Mack is trying to figure out, since he's gathered that Sheppard sent a message to 'his family' to let someone know what
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"Howdy, stranger." Chas grins faintly, looking as he usually does - scruffy as hell, and in an all-around good mood. "How's it goin'?"
Not that he can't yell when he's pissed.
"It's going." Succinct.
"Ah, heh... One o' those days, huh?" And this is Chas, being a nosy bastard and peering as discreetly as possible at the computer screen. "Computer issues?"
And then there was the offering of beer, and there's that toothy grin again. "Yes, sir. Gracias." Of course, he takes the beer (before Mack can change his mind) and takes a seat next to Mack. He's been given beer and damnit if he wasn't going to try and be helpful in exchange.
"Any idea where t'start?" There's going to be no getting rid of him now.
Hell if he knows what else it'd be.
"It'd be good if I remembered who I put down as next of kin. I don't think I...oh, goddamnit." Yeah, it just clicked. Mack never had a lot of family, and what he did have he wasn't all that close to. There wasn't anything particularly bad about the situation -- they were just different people, living different lives. So, back in maybe '91, when he'd been making big plans, he switched his next of kin from his mother (now long dead, he reflects) to Kristina Cooke.
Even after she cut him off, he never thought to change that.
Chas arches an eyebrow. "What? Give 'em an ex-girlfriend's name or somethin'?"
Not that he gets drunk any more. Drinking is one thing. He tries to keep himself within his limits, at least.
"Lola'd say it was a long time coming, I reckon. 'Course, I took her off my next of kin as soon as the divorce was finalized."
There goes that eyebrow again. "Don' blame ya, there. S'why d'ya figure she's the one they sent the notice to? No one else onna list?"
"S'what brought about this search o' yers? The mood jus' happen t'strike ya?"
"Hell of a mood." He leans forward, beer in one hand, and shuts down the computer. "Figured I should know."
"No argument here, amigo." Another pause, and another drink of beer. "How's that tattoo healin', by the way?"
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