Aug 10, 2006 17:58
Okay, here's a reading I got back in April. Before I got up and totally changed everything I did, and long before I came to the instant decision that I should join the military.
Don't give me the "it's general" bullshit, because it's so amazingly correct and true.
If you don't believe in it, that's fine, however, if you read the following entry with an open mind, you may finding yourself with a little bit more faith in the stars than you may previous had.
Hi Luke,
Below is your reading. I asked the question: What do the next 6 months hold in store for Luke? I looked at several different aspects of your life - motivational, mental/intellectual, emotional, material and spiritual.
Position 1 - Elemental influences
The Emperor - Fire
The element of fire represents our willpower, the ego, our growth and development and energy. In the next 6 months, I see you coming to terms with your willpower, as you begin to realize that you alone are responsible for your life because you choose the basic features of your life on a day-to-day basis. If we don’t like the state of things, it is up to us to choose differently. The human will is most effective when we have clearly determined what we want from life, assessed the potentials for achieving it and deciding to go for it. I think a particular issue or event in your life will kick start this will and put things into motion by your own actions. You may experience a drive to recognize your purpose and life and thus strive to fulfill it. In the next six months, depending on your actions, you should experience energy and willpower, helping you to take the necessary first steps to achieve your realizations.
(A particular event that kick started this change was the decision to join the Army, which from the first second that I thought about it, I engaged in weight loss, began talking to recruiters, and started looking for a job. Now I work full time at Mill Stores, working really fuckin' hard and working out every day before work. I've lost 11 pounds since I started this endeavor a little less than a month ago. While it's not stupendous, it is a start. Never before have I ever felt so fucking motivated.)
Position 2 - Motivational influences in the coming 6 months
The Chariot
I can’t believe the Chariot showed up in this position! This card is the epitome of willpower, ambition and desire and represents our ability to overcome adversity through sheer devotion and willpower. This card reminds us that in order to achieve our goals or make changes in our life, action is required. If your life up to know has mainly involved planning, this card stress the urgency of putting those plans into action. When getting caught up in everyday life, it is important not to loose sight of your goals. Take steps every day -even small ones - to move your toward your desires. Do whatever it takes to stay on track with your goals. But make sure you are passionate about them, for when passion is combined with willpower, the necessary energy to help you to move forward will follow. This card tells me that in the next 6 months, there will be movement in your life. It also suggests a need to change direction to be focused.
(Well, the only thing here that I really need to explain is the "need to change direction". I'd like to point to the whole "Luke's a liberal" deal, and by putting aside my political views, my life will be better for it.)
Position 3 - Mental/Intellectual influences in the coming 6 months
5 of Swords
This card often is associated with taking an unfair advantage of someone. It may be a call for your to reflect on your motivations to see if you have perhaps put others in this position and to work in the coming months to change this behavior.. I also do get a strong sense of an intellectual struggle coming up for you - a struggle between the “old ways” and the new surge of energy that the Chariot is bringing to you. Perhaps others will try to hold you back, maybe even out of jealousy. This card reminds you that while you might be tempted to do things that are not in your best interest or try to push your goals aside for another day, it is time to be honest with yourself and your motivations.
This card often comes up when we have limited ourselves so severely that we have given up on our goals and competing. While you may face some setbacks and obstacles in the coming months, work on staying focused on your goals. Remember - a little every day.
(Also pretty explanatory. Others haven't so much tried to hold me back, but persuade me against it, as if they honestly cared. This card is telling me to stick through all that nonsense and push forward with what I want out of life ((especially because no one else is going to make my life any better but ME)), and the last part is telling me all the partying with Joe should PROBABLY stop, because I keep doing things I shouldn't be doing.)
Position 4 - Emotional influences in the coming 6 months
King of Swords
The King of Swords is the master of air, and bring about a swift energy that will clear your head, helping your to see your way through the current clutter to the heart of things. While this card is not often associated with emotional influences, it does lead you to cut away from old ideas, beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve your highest good, which puts you in a position of emotional satisfaction, especially once you realize that you can achieve your dreams simply by employing the power of your intellect (and charm!).
(Swift energy that cleared my head, that crazy apocolyptic storm that occured shortly after my rash decision to join the military, and by leading me to cut away from old ideas, (IE anti-governmental) because they no longer serve me, like they used to, and isn't that what life is all about? And simply by me putting my nose to grind stone, and using my head, I'll finally acheive all those things I've ever wanted, like travel etc etc.)
As you progress with this new energy and willpower, you’ll find yourself thinking much clearer and finding solutions that before eluded you to problems. Just be analyzing your thinking - and your emotions - about what has been holding you back, you should be able, by using the action of the Chariot and the willpower of this king, to move obstacles from your path.
Position 5 - Material Influences in the coming 6 months
4 of Swords
The 4 of Swords represents a period of rest and recuperation - a period of inactivity. This suggests in the next 6 months, not to much may be happening for you materially. This period of inactivity may be the result of a necessary time where you begin putting your plans into action. The next few months may entail a time where you suspend focusing on the material and instead look to and work toward future goals. When we continuously worry about problems, they can actually increase because of the energy we send to them - where thoughts go, so does our energy. Thus, during the next 6 months, try not to focus so much on the financial (or the lack thereof) but instead on what you want to accomplish. The number 4 itself is a number of stability and security, which will be the ultimate attainment after you put your plans into action. You may need to spend some quiet time meditating and reflecting on what you want out of life as well as your financial goals.
(This, I hadn't thought about til I just read it now, but it seems to be heading more towards the fact that 100% of my paycheck is going to paying off my license. Yes, that's right, I'm mooching off of my mother, but I'm working damned hard for it. It's also saying that it's alright that all of my money isn't being seen, because the ends justifies the means, and I will, in all, get what I want sooner or later, it's just a matter of patience and willpower.)
Position 6 - Overall influence in the coming 6 months
4 of Wands
Another fire card! However, the 4 of Wands indicates a sense of satisfaction which arises when we follow our ideas and goals to their conclusion, as well as beginning a new cycle in our lives. This card is typically associated with celebration, perhaps arising from a new sense of independence and achievement, of being in tune with your goals and life purpose. This card suggests that your vision is ready to manifest so with using the action of the element of fire, you will take the first steps and feel a sense of satisfaction, joy and growth. It is a card of laying your plans and foundations and celebrating your first successes. The number 4, in addition to stability and security, is a card of manifestation of ideas. All the cards up to this point suggest this - that you may be able to reach the point where you finally take concrete action in bring your dreams and ideas into reality.
(Yep, pretty much self explanatory. I got a job, I'm losing weight, and I have a solid end goal in sight. And yes, I feel fucking awesome knowing that I turned my shitty little life right around and I'm going to acheive something much better than I had ever hoped for.)
Position 7 - Overall Spiritual influence in the coming 6 months
The Star
The Star is a card of hope, enthusiasm and self-realization. It represents our abilities to change our attitudes and outlook on life resulting in an overall improvement in your situation. The Star often suggests periods of intense creative energy as well as manifestations of our dreams, goals and ideas - a card of unlimited potential and intense personal growth. When this card appears, it often suggests that life is close to becoming easier - and brighter. It marks a turning point where good fortune comes to us, promising fulfillment and manifestation of our dreams, hopes and wishes. While you may feel that things are not the brightest now, you need to have hope and faith for the future - and stop sending out any negative thoughts! A change in attitude - the power of our own intentions - can yield amazing results.
(well, this one easily speaks for itself. I've totally changed my outlook on life since April, and we can all see that my dreams are starting to slowly manifest into something real, even if you don't like it, it's what I want, and I'm going to get it.)
The Star is also a card of spirituality and spiritual forces at work. With the Emperor on top of the spread, and the Star on the bottom, I get a strong intuitive feeling of you possibly being a spiritual leader in some context. I’m not talking about being a minister or anything like that. But perhaps something in the context of writing spiritual books, creating spiritual CD’s and the like. Some very rich folks - like Wayne Dyer, Carolyn Myss, etc. have made quite a comfortable living writing books about manifestation of desires, power of intention, healing yourself using energy, etc. I have always felt a strong feeling that being involved in writing is part of your life purpose. Perhaps this could be your niche? Just food for thought. Might be something to look into.
Overall, I think big changes are coming up - both externally and internally within you. Major attitude shift and goal-oriented period. Spend some time reflecting on your goals, what you would LIKE to do with your life, how you would like to earn a living, then begin taking concrete steps to put it all together. Start a to do list or a goal to do list - and take steps - even small ones at first - every day to bring your closer.
(All in all, this was pretty intense. I'm gonna go hang out with my buds now, but read this a couple of times, and if you know me as well as you spout out that you do, then you'll understand how deeply this impacts me.)
I hope this helps Luke - or at least gave you something to think about. All in all, very positive cards. But of course, the ultimate outcome will be up to you.
Your friend,