Aug 28, 2007 15:46
So! My mother called the other day, they're trying to get a phone set up so I can call them, and not have to wait for unknown periods of time to hear from them. They're also trying to get their hard drive fixed so respoding to emails won't take forever either. Yay.
The relationship wasn't always so great, but it's gotten better between my mother and I, so it makes me happy. I told them about the seizure, and that leaves the only people knowing are a few friends, Tyler, LJ people and a some OS people. I won't tell the rest of my family, they'll get rediculous and self righteous and start trying to tell me I should do things this way or the other. They're too ignorant and uppity to listen when I tell them, that it's thought to stem from my C2 vertebrate exerting pressure on my nerves. The only way to fix that is through spinal surgery, and quite frankly, no one's poking around with my spine, thanks.
Anyway, I got an email from my mum and step-dad just this morning. It turns out Ryan had done a photo-shoot for some body building magazine called REP! (I think, i'll have to double check) and they got published and it's being sold now! How cool is that?
And now I forget what else I was going to write about. Hrm.