Meme thing! Why not?

Jul 26, 2009 03:43

Town you live in? :: Liverpool for the most part, not a town though.

Favorite foods? ::  Probably potato in most forms…

Love someone so much it made you cry? :: At one point, yes.

Been in a car accident? :: Luckily not, not, at least not to my recollection.

Favorite restaurant? :: Right now, probably Red Robin in California, though also Sushi Tandy, it was awesome, there is also Murasaki in Brighton that I like… and Leonardo’s.

Favorite ice cream flavour? Vanilla or cake batter, yes, cake batter… oh dear god it was awesome.

Carpet color in your bedroom? Cream No carpet in Liverpool, blue in Brighton, green in the one I’ve been sleeping in here in California.

Whom did you get your last email from? Facebook, though the last actual one was either from my Mum, or Debbie from the Psychology department at Uni.

Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? :: Some online BJD store I’d think… or possibly Grand Central in its entirety.

What do you do most often when you are bored? :: I write or watch a dvd or listen to music.

Favorite TV show? :: Scrubs or Supernatural.

Last person you went out to dinner with? Probably Dan, I don't really remember.

Believe in magick? Not really, but I suppose anything is possible

Do you have a crush on someone? Crush? :: Nope!

Do you have a bf/gf? :: Also Nope!

What are you wearing right now? :: Black jeans and a white top.

Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers? :: Don’t believe so no, they were all kinda.. old.. haha..

Are you a virgin? :: Why yes I am, and damn proud of it to.

Do you smoke? :: Hell no. Never have, never will.

What is your favorite animal? :: Dog, almost definitely.

Do you have any birthmarks? :: Nah, couple of moles though.

Have you ever been slapped? :: I think someone tried to once… I don’t think it ended well for them.

Do you have a social life? :: Hell yeah I do! Thanks to an awesome group of friends! <3

How easily do you trust people? :: Not very easily at all. It can sometimes take years.

Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing? :: Almost certainly, yes. Some of my closest friends know, but I think it would probably surprise others to know…

Would you ever sky dive? :: Nah, I have vertigo, I’d black out and miss the whole thing.

Are you spoiled? :: Probably, but I try not to let it go to my head…

Are you a brat? :: Honestly, it’s one of my biggest fears that that’s how people will see me… so I really do hope not…

Who do you look up to? :: My mum and my Gran, every day, they’re wonderful role models, if I can be half as good as them one day, I’ll be very happy.

Do you get annoyed easily? :: It depends what you’ve done. If you’re hurting my friends, yes. I do… and I will hurt you for it. If you’re hurting me, no, I have a very long fuse, but it will burn out…

Have you ever been played? :: Yeah. It feels bad…

Have you ever played anyone? :: I don’t think so, I certainly haven’t meant to.

Do you get along with your parents? :: Most definitely, my mum is my best friend, and my Dad, though we have our differences is a good guy. I love them both to bits.

How do you vent your anger? :: Writing, talking to people, Dynasty Warriors and Soul Calibur.

Have you ever ran away? :: Yes.

Have you ever been fired from a job? :: Nope, never.

Do you daydream a lot? :: Yeah… well, a bit, not a huge amount, but I space off into my own thoughts sometimes. Especially when I’m not sleeping well.

What does your ex bf/gf look like? :: Oh wow, which one? I have a list.

What does your most recent crush look like? :: Don’t think I have one…

Are you rude? :: Yeah, probably, but I try not to be insulting about it.

What was the last compliment you received? :: I dunno… probably that my writing was good or something, or that a character of mine was sweet, it was something from Taryn, don’t remember what.

What does your hair look like right now? :: Scruffy. It was held back by a headband today so its all going in the wrong direction.. xD Its also fading back to brown from blue black.

Would you ever date someone younger than you? :: I guess so, but not more than like.. 9 months or so younger…

Do you look more like your mother or father? Neither actually. I guess I have my mums hair colour, but I look a lot more like my Aunt.

Do you cry a lot? :: Sadly, yeah I do.. Wish I didn’t though. Happiness, sadness, frustration, it all makes me cry.

Do you ever cry to get your way? :: Nah, never worked as a kid, so I stopped.

Have you ever been chased by cops? :: Unless you count my uncle… who is a cop? xD

When did you have your first crush? :: When I was like.. eight or nine probably.

In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes? :: It’s all down to the person honestly… I’ve dated both.

What is one of your bad qualilties? :: I fail at standing up for myself sometimes… and my temper can be horrid.

What is one of your good qualilties? :: I make friends with almost anyone very, very easily.

Would you marry for money? :: As I seem inept at actually dealing with being with someone who loves me for various stupid reasons, as long as I could put up with the rich person, and was bored enough of being single, honestly? Probably.

What do you drive? :: Me + Car would = horrible death.

Are you more of a mommys or daddys child? :: Mummies girl. I love her bits.

When was the last time you cried in school? :: If Uni counts… uhm.. dunno, sometime in May probably.

What kind of music do you like? :: Almost anything.

What is your worst fear? :: That suddenly all my friends will realise what a waste of space I am and just stop talking to me one day. Me? Paranoid? Never.

If you were to die today, what would you do? :: Probably call my mum and cry. I’m a long way from home…

Do you like to party? :: Yeaaaaaah.. xD

Moons or stars? :: Both are nice, but Stars… looking into the past is awesome.

Coke or pepsi? :: Pepsi, Diet of course.

Favorite scent? :: Pine forest, the real kind, the dusty smell after rain, vanilla… and baking bread… also frying onions.. WHY does that smell so good? Also, my bedding right after I wash and tumble it <3

Favorite band? :: Probably Bon Jovi…

Would you ever dye your hair red? :: Been there, done that. Will be getting streaks again soon!
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