Wanna hear the latest Jared Hate? He's sexually harassing Jensen and Misha on set with all the touching and stuff. That's right, Appearently only Jared does this and whenever Jensen and Misha does anything to Jared it's still Jared's fault (example? Misha bending Jared over at a convention? Oh no that was Jared bending over for Misha).
Not only is Jensen and Misha his friends, but they're grown up people. If Jared did something they didn't like they'd tell him to fuck off. Misha's an idiot himself (meant in a goodhearted jokingly way), but the reality is that he is uncomfortable around Jared. Clearly... right. And Jensen then doesn't have a backbone enough to tell his friends off if there was something he didn't like. I'm pretty sure Jensen would tell Jared to cut it out if there was something he didn't like. They seem far comfortable enough for honesty.
It just sickens me how again Jared is singled out for being a terrible person and his fans oblivious because we're his fans (though what the hell is that person doing with Misha and Jensen? Acting like they have no mind on their own and like THEY are gods). Fuck this fandom. There's so cruel and hateful shit here sometimes.
Jared would not have so many friends if he was so horrible. Jensen would not be so fond of his friend if he didn't like him.