Title: And so we shall dance
Rating: PG
Warnings:None, well hopeless smooshyness, and yet I tried not to make it smooshy
Spoilers:None, though its set after COTW
Disclaimer: No, nothing to do with DueSouth belongs to me(aside from my DVD's) and this isn't for profit.
Summary: What does one do in a cabin in the frozen north??
"Ray? Would you teach me to dance?"
Ray didn’t even look up from his mechanic magazine. "I think that would be as successful as you teaching me to play chess."
The creaking of table legs, as the Mountie industrially cleared space for two men to dance, drew Ray’s attention.
“We don’t even have music, Frase.”
“I’ve seen you dance without music before. You sway with the moonlight and you waltz with the stars. Now I’d like you to dance with me.”
Holding out his hand, Fraser beckoned Ray to him.
“Besides, our rhythm can be the beating of my heart.”
Woohooo oh yeah finally a drabble a real 100 word drabble. Success smooshy fluffy lemony scented victory is mine.(I must stop watching Invader Zim)