so i never use this thing except to bitch.

Jul 10, 2007 02:10

so what else do you expect?

i'm going to bitch.

apparently the higher-ups at the video store have formed a little "let's think of reasons why jeff and adra (a coworker) should be fired" club.

and my shift leader thought it'd be cute to yell "i'm going to talk with someone tomorrow about getting you fired" at me WHILE im with a customer.

let me make one thing abundantly clear: i LOVE my job. if i didn't have my job, i wouldn't really have anything. i wouldn't have income, or something to look forward to/call in sick to.

as far as i know, i've done nothing wrong, but that doesn't mean anything because communication is a HUGE issue with the "entertainment specialists" at the store. these people have got minding their own business down to a science.
 if they need help, they expect you to FEEL that they need help instead of asking for it like a normal person. i suppose it's out of fear of "inconveniencing" someone.

i mean, come on.

so when you DON'T help them, because they DIDN'T ask, they get pissy and say it was my responsibility to be doing seven things at once. "oh, you're putting returned movies back in the system? why aren't you making popcorn and kissing my ass at the same time? i shouldn't have to remind you."

so don't be surprised when i actually lose my job and subsequently bitch about it here some more.

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