Oct 03, 2007 16:52
I feel like I'm entering a rut. I have felt blah all day but it is not the typical case of the "blahs". All I know is that I feel like crap, I sense many foul moods fast approaching, and I am exhausted. I just need to make it to the end of the semester. I don't really care about my grades (especially ethics).
I would not go as far to say that I am eager to be done. I just want it done because I have some major loafing to catch up on. I say that with half heartedness because I know that's not really why I want to be out of school.
This fall break is much needed. I feel like I need a major recharge before I will allow myself to finish school. No partys involved, just good ol' rest and relaxation where I can hopefully be mostly by myself.
I think everyone owes it to themself to take a break this upcoming weekend and rest. Take a day off work, read the paper, sleep, cry, eat, and most of all...relax.