Spit Shine

Jul 01, 2006 01:43

I did my duty as a citizen today and donated blood! My 5th time, too. The nurse asked if some strange boy and I were a couple because we were at adjacent chairs and asked for the same kind of juice. It was funny. He later convinced me to eat a sugar cookie from their cookie plate so he wouldn't have to eat all of the remaining ones even though I don't like them. Then the nurse told us that drinking a beer after donating blood would feel like drinking two. Who knew?

And yes, this is the part where I try and guilt all of you who aren't doing illicit drugs and/or don't have AIDS to become blood donors. Perks:

-You get a card
-They give you juice with a flexible straw
-Free cookies and crackers
-Assorted stickers

If any of you are as easily entertained as I am, you'll have marvelous fun. Plus, if everyone donated their blood and organs to the common good, many people would be happier. It's like bio-socialism!

And that's that. Afterwards I went and finished two more paintings but I still have one to go. This assignment's a bitch time-wise, but I don't mind rocking out in the studio alone all day. I can feel the learning. My blood pressure today was the lowest it's been since I've been a blood donor, and I think it's got a lot to do with how mellow painting gets me. It was the highest last April. Proof that school is unhealthy?
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