3 Stories

May 18, 2011 15:39

Title: 2 a.m

Author: CaptainJuniper

Characters: Jack, Ianto

Pairing: Jack/Ianto

Raiting: G

Genre: Humour

Summary: „No…really NO!“

Author note: The prompt was from 69promts site on livejournal here. And…I agree with Jack.

“But why?”

“No, it’s too early for that!”

“It’s not. Come on have some fun!”

“It’s bloody 2 a.m.!”

“The perfect time for it!”

“No…really NO!”


“It’s disgusting oh don’t look so shocked and hurt. It doesn’t work. Not now.”

“Look the moon is out, it’s perfect light for it. Your skin glows…”

“What in the name of god have my skin to do with ice cream? And my answer is no, I won’t eat ice cream at 2 a.m. I slept Jack. I was asleep. Go away and eat your ice cream alone in the kitchen.”


“I hear you sulking. You can have ice cream tomorrow, okay? ”

Title: Pillow

Author: CaptainJuniper

Raiting: G

Characters: Jack, Ianto, Myfanwy

Pairing: Jack/Ianto

Genre: Fluffy-di-fluff

Summary: Sometimes you just need a pillow and a roof….oh and a pterodactyl.

Author note: Yes…I am Janto fangirl…so what? And I am hugging my little black skull pillow right now!

“See her?” , asked a gentle voice. But as an answer Jack got just a small humming, he looked to the nearly asleep shape that was Ianto Jones. “Do you want to go?” For that he just got a weak shake of the head. And so Jack Harkness laid back, his head on the pillow and fingers entwined.  And for the first time in a long time he felt at peace. Here in a clear night in Cardiff, under him a soft pillow, next to him his lover and over them the stars and Myfanwy. A lover who understand Jacks fixation for roofs and stars.

Title: Google

Author: CaptainJuniper

Raiting: PG

Characters: Ianto, Gwen, mentioned Jack

Parings: None but Ianto/Gwen friendship

Summary: “Google our new best friend.”

Author note: Even when I am not a Gwen fan, sometimes I like her and I think Ianto and Gwen would be awesome as friend, like Tosh and Gwen…and Tosh and Ianto…and Owen and Ianto. But most of the time thiw woman is bloofy annoying. >_<

It all started in a drunken night. It always starts because of alcohol. Jack left them for the Doctor, they all accepted that fate, but still there was hope that he comes back. On day he and his fucking charming smile come through the door and he would be cocky as ever.

“You have foul mouth Mister Jones”, giggled Gwen her cheeks red from too much Vodka.

“Well I can only give you this compliment back Miss Cooper”, said an also drunk Welshman.

“What would Jack think now?”

“Fuck Jack!”

Gwen gasped over-dramatic:”I thought you did!”

“Oh I did him so hard”, deadpanned Ianto and after two seconds both dissolved into giggles.

Both sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before Gwen jumped up and staggered to Ianto’s computer:”I ask google!”

“What? What will you ask google?”

“Anything! Google is our new Deep Thought…like…from the Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy! Google giv us answers.” She typed furiously into the keyboard. Meanwhile Ianto managed just so to stand up and walked to Gwen: “What…aah…what?”

“LOOK it’s a Chihuahua with a sombrero!” And the giggling started again.

friendship, myfanwy, gwen cooper, jack harkness, gwen/ianto friendship, humour, ianto jones, fanfiction, crackfic, jack/ianto, fluff, torchwood

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