The Tale of Cala i Ambar: Light of the World PERPETRATOR:
Frodo01228 FANDOM: Lord of the Rings
SUMMARY: Cala is the fourth and youngest daughter of Elrond. No one, save Aragorn knew she even existed until she meets Haldir one day in Rivendell and Legolas another day in Lothlorien. LegolasOC.
STATUS: Complete.
NAME: Cala i Ambar, supposedly this means "Light of the World"
HAIR: "gold silk hair"
EYES: Green
ORIGIN: Elrond and Celebrian.
CANON CONNECTIONS: Is the 4th and youngest daughter of Elrond. Haldir flirts with her and they are together for several months, but as this goes along with the movie, Haldir dies and frees her up to be in love with Legolas.
SPECIAL TALENTS/ABILITIES: Can totally beat the Gondor's guardsmen at archery. Frustrates Legolas when he can't get her laugh. Her and Legolas often seen "trying to battle eachother's wits"
FEATURES/MARKINGS: Hates acting like "the Lady of the House" whatever that means... Legolas fills the voice in her heart, yadda yadda.
NOTES: Apparently, Arwen is not good at battling foes. Points for knowing that Elladan and Elrohir exist. This entire thing was rather boring, every chapter was short and months were skipped every new chapter. It says there is more to the story, but the story may have been removed.
Cala rushed out of the hall where the wedding was happening. We should marry at the same time, Arwen had said. I'm sure Aragorn and Haldir wouldn't mind. It seemed so long ago that she and Arwen had spoken of their double wedding. She missed Haldir, she did. There was always an empty feeling in her heart now that he was gone. Unless you're near Legolas... She reproached herself for such thoughts and began to cry, looking out at the White City.
"Cala," a gentle voice from behind said. It was Legolas. "Cala, what is it?"
"It...it's nothing," Cala whispered, turning away from him.
"Is it Haldir?" Cala looked up at him in surprise and he smiled gently. "Arwen told me."
"Oh." She looked away.
"I didn't mean to intruded but-" He was interupted by Cala who'd suddenly leaned on him and was sobbing into his chest. He uncertainly put his arms around her, holding her up. Neither spoke of Haldir again and it seemed Cala had recovered from her grief for she would laugh once again. A seed of hope was planted in the heart of Legolas though he still didn't know he loved this young Elf, this Light of the World.