This idea suddenly popped into my head a few minutes ago and I just had to write it down.
It's a "double" drabble.
Title: Bon Appetit
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 200
Pairing: None
Warning: Slightly disturbing implications, but I don't want to spoil the "surprise".
Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, stood up from his seat at the High Table and cleared his throat. The chatter in the Great Hall slowly died down.
“Students,” he started, “I have an important announcement to make. As you have most likely noticed, in the past couple of years we’ve received a great number of new students, higher than any we were used to so far. The excess of population in the school is causing jams in the corridors, and we’ve had to give up four classrooms to transform them into dormitories. Situations like these call for radical measures.
“Therefore, I, together with the rest of the staff, have decided to implement a new system of detentions. Next time you receive a detention, no matter from which professor, you will head to the kitchens and inform the House-Elves of the reason for your visit.
“We have also decided to make some changes in the daily menu from now on. You might notice a slight difference in the taste of black sausages and steak-and-kidney puddings, but do not worry, they are most definitely safe for you to ingest.
“You may start tucking in, now.” He smiled.