Io Saturnalia!

Dec 24, 2004 18:21

I just closed down the coffee shop on this crisp Christmas Eve. This is the first time my poor laptop has had an internet connection since Santa Barbara, but it has handled the withdrawal with grace. Initially I had started working on job related stuff but quickly rolled into playing games (Kingdom of Loathing in particular) after the first few cups of coffee. Now I have a headache and am completely jittery as my car warms up, but I'm satisfied that the last couple of days have brought a wonderful end to my stay here. It's now back to home to spend the evening and tomorrow morning with my family. Hopefully Adam and I can hang out tomorrow afternoon; we haven't had much time to talk in the few days that our breaks have overlapped, and our time together is one of the big reasons I look forward to the breaks in school.

Quite a lot has happened in the past couple of weeks, and I'll post a bit a little later on it, including my having become a cyborg, but now I want to wish everyone the merriest of Merry Christmases the happiest of Happy Holidays and the Ioiest of Io Saturnalias.

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