Sep 03, 2006 16:21
So I've spent the last few days doping myself up on cold medicine to numb the symptoms of a particularly virulent illness. I think it's all starting to affect my head, and I'm sure the alcohol I consumed over the last two days didn't help. I woke up at about 5:00 this morning and maintained a half-conscious state while I saw myself as a fuzzy, green-tinted distortion repeatedly hit by cars. Then, after taking more cold and allergy medicine, I had a dream in which I boarded a very nice airplane, a Boeing 747 I believe, and found 4 Christopher Walkens. They all wore different outfits, and one sat at each corner of the plane. One of the Walkens stood up and began pontificating on the merits of creationism, at which I booed, much to the dismay of everyone else on the plane. Then I started giving my arguments in favor of evolution via natural selection - I was amazed at how much my subconscious knew about modern molecular techniques - and just before Walken and his creationist mob descended on me with pitchforks, I woke up.
Yes, I amaze myself sometimes