30 things you didn't need to know.

Oct 07, 2010 11:42

1. My name is: Ethan Ross Sykes
2. I may seem: Dismissive
3. But I'm really: A decent guy
4. People who know me think: That I'm loyal to a fault
5. If you knew me you'd: Know it's true
6. Sometimes I feel: Like there has got to be something more
7. In the morning I: Train in the gym before breakfast
8. I like to sleep: On my front
9. If I could be doing anything right now I would be: Travelling the world
10. Money is: A necessary evil
11. One thing I wish I had is: My family
12. One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: Prejudice in my life
13. All you need is: A good man to do nothing for evil to triumph
14. All I need is: A bed to sleep in
15. If I had one wish it would be: That my little sister would settle down
16. Love is: An emotion brought upon by hormones and chemicals in the body
17. My body is: Well trained
18. If an angel flew into my window at night I would: Kill it
19. If a demon crashed into my window I would: Kill it
20. If I could see one person right now it would be: Amber
21. Something I want but I don't really need is: Snickerdoodle
22. Something I need but I don't really want is: This new bloody team
23. I live for: Prosperity, humility, honour and grace
24. I dare you all to: Try and hit me
25. I am afraid of: Nothing more than what I am right now
26. It makes me angry when: People don't follow the rules
29. I cry because: I have to?!
30. This survey is: A waste of my time


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