Write off: battle four

Apr 22, 2011 00:16

Write Off; battle four
Who: Ethan and Ric
Where: South America
What: Write Off prompt; A song from the new Alison Krauss album

Can't seem to find my piece of mind
So with the earth I'll lay entwined
Six feet underground
My feet are warm and dry

~Lay My Burden Down

Rating: PG13

The gun shot rang out, a sharp echoing snap that surprises everyone, even Ethan who immediately dives for cover, mutation kicking in and forcing his skin to harden. The group scatter and a tense silence settles over the warehouse. Rictor is nowhere to be seen, Ethan was adamant that they stuck together but they’d been ambushed and in the ensuing scuffle they’d been separated.

It had been a routine mission, someone was selling weapons to the anti-mutant groups from South America and they’d been told to put a stop to it. It wasn’t clear why on earth the police couldn’t get involved, personally Ethan had his suspicions it had something to do with the mutant hating Chief of Police. So when he was given the mission Ethan had to pick someone who would be able to blend in and wouldn’t be immediately identified as a mutant or working for the American Government (all be it indirectly.) Julio, with his history in arms trades and investments in such a business was the best candidate and against his better judgement Ethan had said yes to taking Ric.

Their meeting here was meant to be just an information gathering mission, nothing more. Ethan was pretending to be nothing more than Ric’s silent bodyguard as he cut the deals and made the finer arrangements with the traders. Then, just as things are looking like they are about to come to a conclusion; money exchanged and hands shaken firmly, chaos rains down.

Crawling amongst the boxes and shelving Ethan manages to mostly avoid the mutant rights group who have shown up to cause trouble, obviously getting wind that this deal is to go to anti-mutant groups in North America and that it is due to leave on the ship docked at the end of the harbour. He can’t really blow his cover without sacrificing the entire mission but the way things are going Ethan isn’t going to have much of a choice unless he can find Ric a and get them the hell out of there. He grabs a gun that's been dropped in the ensuing fallout, checking to see that there is still a round chambered and at least enough to keep them covered to get to safety. Though that said Ethanknows he could open one of the crates and probably find a weapon but ammo is another matter entirely.

Suddenly, on the far side of the warehouse there is a commotion, yelling and the scuffling of feet as, by the sounds of it, two people fight. Everyone is speaking in their native tongue of Latin American which means Ethan can’t work out what is being said let alone by who so he’s going to have to blow his cover.

Just as he goes to step out from behind a stack of cardboard boxes to see what is going on Ethan spies a pair of feet sticking out from behind several crates. Squatting low to the ground he moves over to get a better look and feels that sinking feeling as he recognises the military issues boots.

“Rictor?” Ethan whispers loudly but not so loud that he’ll be overheard.

One of the booted legs twitches and tries to move and Ethan takes that to mean that it is his mutant team member. Rounding the corner Ethan is greeted by a horrifying sight. Ric is clutching at his stomach but the whole front of his shirt and trousers are soaked red, not to mention the steadily increasing pool of blood that his forming around him. Lips stained red with blood like poorly applied rouge Ric is trying to say something and Ethan doesn’t need to think twice about this combat training and basic field medical skills that means he’s quickly trying to assess if the bullet has come out of Ric’s back or is still inside the Mexican.

It looks bad.

Okay that’s a lie. It doesn’t just look bad it is bad. Ethan needs to know is it’s hollow or solid organs that have been compromised and just how badly. He reaches for his cell and dials for an ambulance as well as calling up Emma straight after. She’s back in Washington at the base but Ethan gets the feeling this isn’t the type of thing she is going to want to know about later. Their conversation is short; to the point and when Emma asks what the prognosis is Ethan falls silent. The phone call ends there.

Pulling one of his shirts off over his head Ethan uses it to try and stem the flow of blood . Ric groans and whimpers in pain as he is jostled by Ethan into his arms, the Captain doesn’t care about the risk of them being spotted because the mission is, in his eyes, secondary to the welfare of his team. He can hear the wail of sirens in the distance getting steadily closer and thankfully they make it outside and in a more open location that means the medics can find them. It worries Ethan though that Ric doesn’t resist or struggle, just curls a bloodied hand in the front of Ethan’s shirt and tries to bring him closer.

Ric is trying to say something, words moving but too muffled by the blood and the lack of energy. Ethan leans in closer, still striding along towards the gates. He can see the ambulance now but he still listens to what Ric has to say.

“T-tell Ma-mart...ti...n-ni... tell h-him... I’m s-so-sorry, l-lo s-s-siento por f-favour.”

“You can tell him yourself Esteban and when we get back I’m looking at getting you permanently transferred to the medical centre. Clearly you’ve grown rather attached to that place.” He comes to a standstill as the ambulance comes to a halt right in front of him, EMTs leaping out the cab and leading Ethan to the back of the ambulance. As they rush around the Mexican, attaching various wires and cutting away at his clothes Ethan drops into the seat which he’s been pushed towards and watches on.

Ric has his head turned towards Ethan though, still murmuring softly as the ambulance starts up and the doors slam to the back of the vehicles. Ethan realises then that Ric is trying to reach for him, fingers twitching as he keeps heavily lidded eyes focused on where Ethan is sat. Leaning forward Ethan doesn't remove the oxygen mask but it's easy to see that Ric isn't actually talking to him, brown eyes glazed over with a faraway look.

"...p-p-por s-siem...p-pre j-jam...ás... l-loc...o..."

"Shhhh now, come on Esteban don't waste energy on talking. We hear enough of you yammering away the rest of the time." Ethan doesn't even notice that he's gripping Ric's hand tightly even as he speaks, trying to offer the Mexican comfort.


When they arrive at the hospital just four minutes later and the back doors of the ambulance are opened up by the medical team who had been readied for the arrival of a gunshot victim, the EMTs and Ethan are silent.

The only sound is the steady beep of the flat line ECG monitor.

write off battle

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