After viewing both Olympics (the Greek and Mongoloid kinds) I am left with debating which of the two is more “special.” I mean the Special Olympics is pretty special cause everyone is fucking retarded in it. But the Greek Olympics are special because everyone in and outside of the event are even more retarded. Honestly, how can
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I will just post a random conversation for the hell of it.
gianteed: Seriously
LetoBurrito: damn...
Auto response from gianteed: A good way to threaten somebody is to light a stick of dynamite. Then you call the guy and hold the burning fuse up to the phone. "Hear that?" you say. "That's dynamite, baby."
- Jack Handey
LetoBurrito: did you write this?
Auto response from gianteed: A good way to threaten somebody is to light a stick of dynamite. Then you call the guy and hold the burning fuse up to the phone. "Hear that?" you say. "That's dynamite, baby."
- Jack Handey
gianteed: Yah
LetoBurrito: it's pretty funny
gianteed: I got more where that came from
gianteed: Ahh it's alright.
gianteed: Not super good or anything
LetoBurrito: if you smooth it out a little bit, some spell check and whatnot
LetoBurrito: you could probably submit it somewhere, like the squelch
gianteed: Yah bro. I haven't even finished it yet.
LetoBurrito: big finish in the works?
gianteed: I will fax it in with a xxerox of my ass.
gianteed: Oh yah.
gianteed: Only pyrotechnics jumping out of the word processor could make it better
LetoBurrito: well, at least you know what you have to do
gianteed: But seeing how anyone will sue about the most mundane bullshit (like 1st degree burns).
gianteed: Kill myself?
LetoBurrito: no, they can't sue you
LetoBurrito: they can't sue you if it's your opinion
LetoBurrito: only when it's libel
gianteed: SO if I said "hey man, in my opinion I think I broke into your room and butt fucked the crap out of you last night"
gianteed: You couldn't sue me right?
LetoBurrito: they can only sue you if you knew you were lying when you said it
LetoBurrito: or something stupid like that
gianteed: (silence)
LetoBurrito: that's how all those tabloid magazines get away with all that bullshit they say
gianteed: Dood, I got so shitfaced at TKE last night
LetoBurrito: steve told me
gianteed: Yah, it is still hazy.
LetoBurrito: he also said that despite the insane amounts of alcohol in your bloodstream, you still knew your limits
LetoBurrito: major props
gianteed: Uhm, only could I drank all of their shit
gianteed: and they cut me off
LetoBurrito: they cut YOU off?
gianteed: Yah
LetoBurrito: hahaha
gianteed: Can you believe that
LetoBurrito: a frat?
LetoBurrito: hahahaha
gianteed: Of course they scored a stool in the closet for that one.
LetoBurrito: seriously?
LetoBurrito: that kicks ass
gianteed: Yah hombre. Some dude with Living Legends was there
gianteed: I battled him.
gianteed: ownnnnn NED.
LetoBurrito: owned him, or he owned you?
gianteed: I soooooooooooooo wish I taped that.
gianteed: Owned him,...
gianteed: I was saying stoooooooooooopid shit off the top of my head.
gianteed: I was all like "see those white lights?
gianteed: thats whathappens when I back up
gianteed: to slap your pack of wack fucks
gianteed: from the back of a mack truck
gianteed: I hate to make you worse off,
gianteed: but gawddamn it,
gianteed: you could be the last around and still have to jerk off.
gianteed: last dood
gianteed: I meant to say
gianteed: NEways, I guess I should get back to pretending to work.
LetoBurrito: no, dude
LetoBurrito: that was awesome
gianteed: Yes
LetoBurrito: were you on the brownies too at that point?
gianteed: and you want my babies
LetoBurrito: it's true
gianteed: If these "brownies" you refer to are the kind that harbor drugs. No I wasn't I was high off of life.
LetoBurrito: i believe you
LetoBurrito: the fucker who sold them to me told me they were double strong, but he must have the tolerance of a 9 year old girl
gianteed: Dood, rhyming is soooo awesome you can take a dump on a whole room of people and they totally take it.
LetoBurrito: ha
gianteed: I think I put down every single person there.
LetoBurrito: and you wonder why they cut you off?
gianteed: Yah, kinda odd. Keep on talking the shit and I will crap in your bed the next time I am over there.
gianteed: NE ways, I need to get going brother.
gianteed: Take care my friend.
LetoBurrito: take it easy
gianteed: pace
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