21 -- Secret Santa.

Dec 04, 2008 15:40

Yo, Double Oh Santa,

I've got kind of a lot of fandoms. There's a list here of like, my main ones, my secondary ones, my ships... If you demand I be specific, I'd especially love fic with Heroes' Petrellis, anything with Jack or the Doctor in the Whoniverse, or anything with anyone from Buffy, Hitch-hikers or Soul Eater. Really, I'd be happy with anything, whatever you're most comfortable writing. Gen or porn or romance, Camp fic or crossover. I'd rather read something it's obvious the writer enjoyed writing than something forcibly tailored to my likes and dislikes.

Obviously, not everyone writes; if you're an artist, I would sort of kill for female!Jack fanart, and I always welcome paid time for any of my characters or myself. Iconsets are cool too; I play more than just my CFUD characters and I have a personal LJ, so feel free to ask me for a list of icon subjects if you want to go that route.

Essentially, I'm going to be happy with pretty much anything, Saint Nick, so don't stress, have fun, and have a fantastic Christmas. ♥


--housekeeping, --xmas

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