Jul 16, 2008 23:28

I listen to music to get into my character's heads on short notice, sad but true. This is a tracklist with lyric selections & explanations, but as of yet there's no uploads. (because I'm on 56k |D so ... eventually. lemme know if you can upload any of these for me. ♥)

captain jack harkness: the musical.

you're so vain . john barrowman
(♥ rose) Not only is it the quintessential Jack song (that's right, I bet he thinks this song is about him) it's sung delightfully by his actor, Barrowman.

good old-fashioned lover boy . queen
I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things // we can do the tango just for two.
Please forgive me for this one. I don't even like Queen all that much. But Jack's such a sweet-talking romancer, he loves to flirt, and be charming, and do romantic things (Moonlight Serenade on the invisible spaceship with Rose and two flutes of champagne springs to mind...) Plus it's a very bisexual song.

death to death . stars
so tired waiting for the end to come // fully dead already but forever young.
(♥ rose) To me this song is S1 Doctor Who Jack, reckless and infuriating and in love with the thrill of life. The Doctor lets him see more of that and then, abruptly, it's taken away from him. There's no edge to almost dying when you know it doesn't mean anything.

not the red baron . tori amos
not anyone I really know // just another pilot down.
And in the time he waits, the century turns twice, and Jack watches people die - in war, in sickness, in old age.

lucky . radiohead
pull me out of the aircrash // pull me out of the wake // I'm your superhero // we are standing on the edge.
Jack can't die. This is all S1, to me, coming to grips with his loneliness and just how far he can throw himself into death and still find his way back.

he lied about death . stars
keep watching your back // killers always have killers on their track // keep watching the sky // 'cause you might get lucky again.
(♥ rose) So Jack obsessively waits for the Doctor. He's angry, and bitter; "first I'm going to kiss him, then I'm going to kill him." Everything he feels is unrequited. Everything he does with Torchwood has this other motivation behind it, his need to get the Doctor back.

destroying angel . sneaker pimps
I'm the glass you break to touch // but you never want me much.
And this works as a companion to the last song, with all its angel imagery. (Don't blink? W-wait.) I will make a terrible fanvid to this one day so everyone can see what I am talking about when I say this is my Jack/Doctor song. For now you will just have to take my word for it.

the letter . pj harvey
who is left // that writes these days // but you and me // we'll be different
A song about the eroticism in writing letters to your lover the old-fashioned way. What can I say, it's a Jack/Ianto song to me because they're both strangely old-fashioned in their ways. Also, I'm insane. 8D

somewhere a clock is ticking . snow patrol
another soldier says he's not afraid to die // (i could do most anything to you)
(♥ rose) I cannot even vocalize why this song is Jack to me. It's sad, and controlling, and sexual, and it also has this element of cynical "well, there's nothing we can do about it," which sometimes is the point Jack reaches. I could essay on this song for pages, but I'll spare you.

atoms for peace . thom yorke
no more talk about the old days // it's time for something great.
Gwen, and Ianto, both do their share in waking Jack up to the importance of living in the present; and they manage to find their fair share about him in the process.

spaceship . angie aparo
if you get tired of satellite flyers // & fame has let you down // under the wire and over the moon // I'm around.
This is such a trite, ridiculous, nonsensical song, but a lot of the lines strike me. It's very S2 Torchwood, where aliens were allowed to be a little bit more ridiculous and everyone's beginning to realize ~we are not alone~.

this charming man . the smiths
And I'll finish on another wholly Jack song, from the casual self-confidence, the hint of foppishness, and the strange way he grows up between Who and Torchwood. The Smiths don't fit the sound I have going for this little compilation at all but I love this song too much to leave it off.

--housekeeping, --soundtrack, --canon

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