sick sucks

Oct 13, 2006 06:24

I spent the last two days home sick. Not homesick (which I am), but sick at home. I have a non-specific bleh feeling, with a sporadic (not, of course when I was at a Doctor's office, mind you) fever, aches and just yucky feeling. My actual Doctor called it "the crud that's going around." He's very technical that way.
Went to get a note on Wednesday at Urgent Care, since I dodn't plan to stay home two days. That Doctor told me, you have the flu, alternate Tylenol and Advil and you'll be fine.
Helpful, but not a surprise.
Yesterday was my monthly "Still fat, can I have my bypass now?" visit to Dr. Veal. So I added "Ihave the flu, can I get another note, so my boss doesn't fire me?" to the list of things he and I talk about, and he gave me a note for both days.
Could have saved the copay at Urgent care.
Today I go back to the uranium mine, even though I still feel like crap. HR called yesterday, and his tone led me to believe that they don't really think I'm sick and two days was too much time off.
So I hope I'm carrying something really contagious and get the whole plant really sick.
That'll show them.
now to work....yoiks and away!
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