Apr 05, 2010 21:17
wow, his face is doing what my face is doing.
i'm trying not to have a panic attack right now. writing about it helps. if i can write fast enough i won't freak out.
basically i have two final assignments due on thursday, both of which i thought (up until last week) were due next week (during exams). one is a paper that must be 10 pages at least that i started today and have done some research for and could probably finish in one day (tomorrow). that's not the problem.
the problem is the other one. it's a design project for theatrical space. this means that i have to do the following steps:
1) take photos of three under-used locations around campus (i have two, i need one more)
2) draw a plan of each of the three spaces (which are going to be very rough, at this point
3) design for each of the three spaces
4) write an analysis of each of the three spaces
5) put all this up on a website.
why did i think this was a good idea? i don't know. but i cannot, cannot, cannot do the second project in one day. it is not possible. i could do half of it. i could do it in two days. but that means that this peter weiss essay needs to be late. and then what does the other professor say? gah!
my only possible choice is to work on the larger, more scary one that's worth 55% of my grade and is due to a professor who apparently doesn't ever take late work and hope that my other professor will be lenient and let me hand in this other paper at least on friday, but preferably on monday. I could do it for monday...
okay switching tactics, then. working on the art-like project now.
i hate everything