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Comments 17

fannyfae April 21 2004, 22:05:45 UTC
Please pass my regards to the Good Captain and tell him a couple of things, from me at least:

1) He needs to let you do what you need to be doing, lass, and not give you so much guff. He may take it up later with me if he so chooses - I'll be more'n happy to enter negotiations to reach an accord with him on your behalf. Mayhap we can find a bit of a distraction with which to amuse himself. ;-)

2) We'll wait as long as it takes, there's no expiry date on friendship - nor should there be. Do what you need, that'd be all that any of us woulde ask of you - and of him.

Fair Winds to both of ye.


captainbarbossa April 27 2004, 12:04:02 UTC
The very questionably good Captain would have me pass along his perpetual willingness to strike any sort of accord with Fanny Fae, as well as the delightfully inspirational mind behind her. :) By the way, I think Fanny has a lap waiting to be graced by her...


pink_shadow April 22 2004, 02:06:47 UTC
I think you'd only have problems if someone wanted to take over the character and even then the mod in charge of your fandom would e-mail you to see if you still wish to keep the character.

Whenever you can get back the good captain will be welcome - kinda (Imoen would still probably take a sword to him but that's just her). *Smiles*


captainbarbossa April 27 2004, 10:52:59 UTC
I think things are settling down for me around here, so hopefully I'll not only be answering challenges more often but roleplaying (my real weakness!) as well. And on that note, the naughty captain has paid the lovely Imoen a visit here! Please tell her to feel free to take a sword to him.. though I can't promise it will discourage him any. *g*


pink_shadow April 27 2004, 10:56:26 UTC
Well she has calmed slightly given Barbossa's absence but we'll have to see how things go from here on!


captainbarbossa April 27 2004, 11:03:06 UTC
Poor Imoen! Just when she thought it was safe to mention riding and saddles without some lecherous pirate captain pouncing on the most obvious potential for innuendo...


breakreality April 23 2004, 04:37:00 UTC
A very glad admirer of the great captain here! I was afraid the pup had been abandoned, which would have been regretful since your Barbossa is a real delight. Very good RP, indeed. I'd even go as far as to say that the best roleplay presentation of him I've come across online. My (silly feathery) hat's off to you!

Take your time, certainly RL concerns always come before online obsessions. Your writing is well worth the wait.

Excuse us would you, need to go away to gush profusely... *grin*


captainbarbossa April 27 2004, 12:14:04 UTC
*feels her ego start to inflate to ridiculous proportions, only to have Barbossa let the hot air out by stabbing it with hat pins.. which is really just as well*

Thank you! I really appreciate the compliments, because as the captain well knows, I am a compliment-whore, and will soak them up wherever I can get them. But seriously, it's nice to know my frequently campy and/or angsty portrayal of Barbossa is enjoyed!

And silly feathery hats are the best kind. *g*


Barbossa!!! _mariel April 30 2004, 08:15:15 UTC
OOC- How nice to see that we have a Barbossa! *g* I loved that character even more then Jack Sparrow when I saw the movie


Re: Barbossa!!! captainbarbossa April 30 2004, 22:16:08 UTC
Even more than Jack Sparrow, eh? *watches Barbossa not-so-subtly preening in the corner* He's my favorite character too (who would've guessed), though I think Barbossa is just the Sonny to Jack's Cher; and if Sonny hadn't had Cher, or (more appropriately) vice versa, 'I Got You Babe' just wouldn't resonate in quite the same way, you know?

...I've had eight hours sleep total over the past three nights. Can you tell?


Re: Barbossa!!! _mariel May 1 2004, 15:33:48 UTC
*G* Everyone knows the interesting characters are always the villians ;) I wish in the movie they would have delved into more detail about Barbossa's past but seeing as Jack is the main char I suppose that wasn't really plausible but hey a girl can wish can't they?

Anyways good to see your back in action again

...I've had eight hours sleep total over the past three nights. Can you tell?

Ouch! Well hope your able to get some much needed rest and soon =)


ardethbay May 7 2004, 08:38:52 UTC
Well there is no doubt in my mind that Captain Barbossa is a scabrous weasel of the worst sort, but you do a very good job of portraying him.


captainbarbossa May 10 2004, 20:17:06 UTC
Ooh, an Ardeth! Very cool. :D

Thank you for your kind comment -- or what amounts to a kind comment for me, and a not-so-kind and yet oddly flattering comment for Barbossa, as somehow I think he'd get a kick out of being called a scabrous weasel of the worst sort.


ardethbay May 13 2004, 07:26:57 UTC
You are most welcome. Perhaps someday Ardeth and Captain Barbossa will meet, as they are both accomplished swordsmen.


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