Feb 14, 2009 16:06
Ok, I'm a little overdue for my monthly update as usual.
-I'm currently in Lysistrata. Not gonna lie, I'm really not enjoying it. It's just so hard to take a show seriously when the director changes concepts and generally seems unprepared for every rehearsal. I also disagree with a lot of her ideas. See, we're using a modern translation but it still has the Greek chorus. The male chorus (which I'm a part of) is Army veterans. However, she's turning one of our unison chants into a rap. yes, a rap, with beats and everything. She even wants us to dance in a hip hop style. With the exception of the token black guy we basically end up looking like Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder. Don't get me wrong it's funny as hell, it just makes no sense and comes out of nowhere. It might as well be a Family Guy joke.
-Totally Red opened last weekend and has started to go on tour. My cast's first tour is this Tuesday. I'm looking forward to it. Kids are fun perform in front of. They just have such a genuine enjoyment of what they see. In their minds we're celebrities. It's just such a nice contrast since most audiences I perform for these days are of my extremely judgmental peers.
-I've decided to become an English minor. I already have half the credits needed and all I really need to do is take one english class per semester until I graduate. The guy I currently have is supposedly the hardest english teacher here and I really don't find him that difficult. So, it shouldn't be too hard. Let's face it, I made it through Madison's English department with teachers like Savage and Oliverio. There's nothing a college professor can throw at me that's too difficult.
-Brent wasn't able to return to SU this semester for financial reasons. He was the last remaining friend I had from our party crew last year. Now, I'm the sole survivor. Though he may still return next semester. It was quite a rough adjustment for me at first. I was like R2-D2 without C-3PO. I was lost. But it's gotten better. We still talk all the time and I'll see him in a few weeks when we go to JMU for Stephen's 21st birthday! However, I have become a bit of a social recluse lately. Part of it's because I'm being more scholarly but the other part is the fact that I don't really know who to trust around here anymore.