May 30, 2005 12:48
Well, its official, I am moving with my family to south carolina. My dad made an offer on a 5 bedroom house that is being built as we speak. My last day at Holiday Hallmark will be July 8th, hopefully the movers will be here for July 11, and we will be moving into the new house July 19 or 20 (hopefully, since they are not done building the house lol). So for the next month I will be cleaning my entire house most likely not able to do much. So if anyone wants to randomly drop by my house... you are welcome to give me company. :) I am not positive at this monemt if I will be in town for my 18th birthday, i was going to have a party, but since i am not sure, more information will be coming about that. Ktno's party was interesting. I am not sure if i can say it was fun or if it was horrible beacuse I did have a good time, but everyone else was like where's the party??? I also had fun saturday night taking ktno home and busting my front right tire. thank goodness my dad did not get as mad as i was expecting. Just another reason why I still need my family and why I need to go with them to South Carolina.
I will miss all of y'all so much, guys- we will definatly be keeping in touch since i will not know many people in South carolina.