. . .

May 15, 2003 17:53

Found my flag. I won't dignify cyborgjohnnie by describing HOW I found it, but suffice it to say that loathsome, contemptible, DEGENERATE vagrant has reached rock bottom - and has begun to dig.

It seems that DRY CLEANING on Montressor is indeed a rarity, however Delbert has a special account opened with a place on Cresentia - specifically for Delilah (and other repulsive snailbeast) related stains. Should have my flag back - as it was before this entire escapade in a fortnight's time. Honestly, my grandfather is probably rolling over in his grave. That flag has been in my family for generations, and I would wager my own life that it hasn't needed ANY treatment.
That flag saw the worst of the great Kattindog conflict, survived capture by enemy officers AND was worn by my grandfather for his knighting ceremony at the END of it all. It survived the First Siege of the Pelucid system, the Fray of the Nebulian Cluster, the Sortie of Penzance Prime, the Assault of Terra Infirma and not to mention a brief stint HUNTING unsightly, foulmouthed lowlives who considered themselves to be privateers. Perhaps it might experience that again - at least once more.

The icing on the cake of course, was discovering that B_E_N had decided to try his mechanical hand at chariot racing. Delilah and he were missing for Lord knows how long. This of course resulted in his APPREHENSION by roboconstables in Benbow. Luckily for him, Delbert had dealt with it and paid the bail before I was informed. Otherwise we could have had a week's worth of blissful peace with that mechanical idiot behind bars, punishing those who deserve it with his presence.
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