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Feb 19, 2010 15:22

 Well, it's been a while since I've had my own live journal, and I am hoping it'll be a good investment of my time. Time, though, seems to be an unreliable resource at best and I choose to rely on other things instead. The currency of the universe doesn't seem to apply in important dimensions anywise.
I'm joining for the sake of my beloved Bazjra anyway, she's closer to a sister than me and that's the sort of thing that I buy my stocks in. True friendship is a priceless investment in any type of Where and in my book she'll always be the Human of the Year. (See what I mean about time?)

Well, hopes sent in the wind like messages in bottles -
I'll drink to this,
Captain Whimsy aka Ri (to Bazjra)

bazjra, friendship, love, ri

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