I still exist, just not asmuch in the cyber world

Nov 05, 2016 19:19

I'm still here, still around, but life has once again dealt out bad hands to everyone at the card table. Mom has Parkinson's, and now it's developed Parkinson's related dementia. The neurologist said she's having tiny mini-strokes as well. A lot of people get those over the course of their lives without major incidents, but since mom had a brain aneurysm, they're having a more apparent cummulative effect on her.

Work has gone a bit nuts. The accountant "left," (being polite when I say that) and they put me back in accounting "temporarily." That was back in June. New boss is trying to get the big boss to hurry up and hire a new accountant so I can get back to work in product development, but they're having trust issues because of whatever all the previous accountant did. So I'm riding two desks at work.

So twixt work, home and mom, there's been no real time to sit down and have a cyber life. I haven't even written a word in three years. I miss it. I miss being able to talk to all you guys. I miss the online fun. I miss that escapist thrill I enjoyed so much.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know I'm still here.
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